Friday, December 23, 2011

Help for Holiday Success

It's almost Christmas! Beautiful music is playing in the background, UPS delivered last minute presents in time for Santa to give to loved ones, and as I sit here at dusk the neighborhood lights are about to come alive. There is magical energy in the air.
People are rushing around doing the last minute preparation and frankly I should be doing the same. However, as I was taking a break and reading a Christmas card I was rendered a bit speechless as I read the enclosed note.
"Mary" commented how meaningful she finds my blog. Oh my goodness I haven't written anything in ages - I felt instant guilt combined with a rush of true joy in that I helped provide meaning in someones life.
So my friends, with cleaning to do, presents to wrap, calls to make and errands to run, I decided to let my heart lead the way: thus a holiday message as a gift to you.
I have been around long enough to experience many Christmas seasons~ the good, the bad and yes even the sort of ewww "not so good" ! I remember my husband and I rushing to get in a visit with both sets of families even though they lived miles apart. I smile as I recall great secret gifts and the look of sheer delight on the face of the surprised loved ones who had no idea what we were plotting. The years flew by with my sons growing up and presents that grew with them in size, price, and technology. And now we are blessed with grand children so that the entire process begins anew. As you read this I hope you take a walk down memory lane, remembering all the love, joy, and preparation that went into your holiday seasons.
It is the MEMORIES that last after all ~ isn't it?
From the perspective of many Christmas seasons there are a few things that I have learned and put into practice that make my holiday much more of a success and much more relaxing:
1. Define what will make this season successful for YOU. Over the years, when I realized I could not keep up with ALL the things I love, from Christmas cards to home made cookies, to the perfect gifts, to entertaining, etc etc WOW...and that instead I could prioritize and put my effort into what meant the most, and actually enjoy myself it made a huge difference. It helps to come from a perspective that makes sense to you! Choose the traditions which mean the most or start some new ones. People change, circumstances change, and so can you :)
2.Take care of yourself! I meditate and read uplifting materials just about every day of the year. It is how I start my day and I always joke that my clients and my family can tell the difference when I haven't given myself that boost. I call it "feeding my soul". When we are rushed, this is when we most need to remember good self care, if for no other reason than to maintain our energy.
3. I will be honest and say that I exercise only about 3 days a week and it is a struggle- but I know from a mind/body perspective that it is vital that we get up and move. Please do this for yourself. Walking is one of the best exercises there is- maybe take a look this evening at the neighborhood lights!
4. I have been very interested in the energy of good ole H2O. There is fascinating research on water crystals done by Dr Emoto out of Japan. If you take two identical vials of water and write negative words on one, but positive words on the other.....only the one with the + words will develop beautiful, intricate crystals. (Even muddied water will clear up by the way. This is about positive energy at its most basic.) Now think about it--- our body is what? 70%+ % water. So, drink lots of water and give yourself the message of beautiful words and thoughts.
5. It's the holidays so if you want to eat yummy but kind of junky food a.) don't over do it and b.) let it go!!! It's OK to treat yourself. You would actually do more damage by berating yourself than by eating the occasional not-so-nutritious food anyway.
6. Realize that gifts don't have to be "perfect". When you give someone a present that is an expression of caring. There are many ways to show that we love people besides a package under the tree. Many folks are struggling with the economy but please, please do not put a price tag on your love and admiration. Some of the best gifts I have even received were those where the person "pegged" it: maybe they knew a pound of my favorite chocolate from out of town would be oh so appreciated. Or they developed a favorite photo and put it in a simple frame or wrote something in a card about how I touched their life. Those are the kind of things we remember when the tree is down and everything is put away.
7. If your heart is carrying grief this year ~ whatever the reason: dig deep into your spiritual values. A new friend told me her dad died a couple months ago. She and her sisters are going to all be home to be with their mother. After we chatted a bit about her father and what a good man he was she said: I am confident Dad truly is in heaven and that makes me happy for him; I suppose we really are sad for ourselves. The mother of a dear friend died a few weeks ago and I know her family has struggled with Christmas without her. There is no getting around it, that first Christmas especially, is difficult. Share memories and pictures, be with loved ones who will supportive and be careful not to isolate. Getting back into a routine that makes sense to you and your timing will be important. Grief is like a roller coaster ride with unexpected ups and downs, but eventually it settles down.
8. Unburden your heart: forgive. The longer we hold on to the hurts and pain, the more it literally hurts us. I know it can be difficult to let go of injustices and what may appear to be unfairness or the thoughtlessness of others. We have all been there! But what happened is done and gone; when we keep it in our mind we are the ones who are keeping it and its emotional, mental and physiological scars ripped open. Forgiveness lets someone out of jail ~ and that someone is YOU.
9. Keep a sense of humor and positive perspective. Our "fresh" tree starting shedding needles like leaves coming off the autumn trees in a blustery wind. We bought it late as we have guests coming in for our celebration the weekend after New Years Day. Looks like it is going to be one of those "Charlie Brown" trees and and the clothing gifts are going to have needles tucked in their seams! But family and friends will be here sharing the season and the gifts of love and gratitude. And that is what makes the season something special!
10. Do one special thing for yourself: it will be your gift to you. The positive way we treat our self will then reflect like the warm sun on those around us. Scripture tells us that we are to love others as our self ; that is one of the great commandments! Even if you don't do it right away but make the promise to yourself it will give you something to look forward to with joy.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. It brought me great joy to take a break, think of you and share my thoughts during this special time of the year.
Best wishes for a lasting season of blessings.
With love and gratitude~