Monday, June 22, 2009

Are You Smarter Than ....Your Plants?!

Metaphysics ~ When you hear the word what comes to mind? Gurus in flowing robes? New age nonsense? Touchy-feely stuff that has no place in the real world?
In actuality meta-physics bridges quite seamlessly with hard science. One example is the field of bioenergitics which involves the study of invisible, intelligent energy - energy that actually communicates! Those who understand metaphysics realized long ago what science is "discovering" and "proving" today.

For example, plants can think. One of the first scientific studies in this realm was startling at that time. The study, published by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird revealed what was to become known fact about the hidden abilities of plant life. In this experiment one of two plants was destroyed by the researcher. Six people were then brought forward in a sort of criminal line up; among them was the person who had destroyed the plant. The surviving plant correctly identified which of the six was the guilty party. Pretty amazing, but touching only the tip of the iceberg.

This sort of experiment is one of many which now reveals that we live in a world of intelligent energy and that all life is connected. Energy may be invisible but it surrounds and lives within every plant, animal, rock, blade of grass and person. Energy is what you are sensing when you get goose bumps, whether it is because of something that is a warning of danger or of the sort that is a positive recognition that you can't cognitively identify. Either way you are sensing energy.

We continually pick up energies unconsciously and we can learn to recognize and identify them in the same way that your commonly known five senses are picking up cues from the environment. In other words, we know we pick up information through what we see and hear but we can know so much more by learning about the world of the invisible. Understanding the natural world of energy enables us to have so much more power and control over our own world. For example you can learn to notice and get ahead of negativity; you need not be impacted by other people's bad moods or motives and you can work with energy to create more positive outcomes around you.

One of the best ways I have heard our personal world of energy described is like that of a radio. We can receive many stations and we can choose what we tune in to, depending on what we pay attention to. Conversely we are each a broadcast station with our own frequency and mind set. Sanaya Roman in the Earth Life book series says it like this: The way you perceive, judge, and react to your thoughts throughout the day grounds you in your reality and is the basis upon which that reality is created.

The key notion here is in regard to our thoughts. It's like a chain reaction: we have a thought and in a flash we react to our own thought. We "create" our own mood and eventual outcomes in an ever widening rippling effect. Thoughts too are energy.

More and more information has been available lately about energy. As a species we are evolving. We see colors today that primitive man could not discern. The frontal lobe of our brains has enlarged giving us new abilities and awareness. Our greater senses are awakening and we have a choice to learn about them and how to use them. Our awareness of higher energy realms is awakening. That awakening is present in you or you would not have been drawn to read these words. I would not have been drawn to studying what I have studied. It all works together in the most amazing symphony.

You can begin now to use the power of your mind to work with energy. One of the most basic tools at your fingertips is visualization, which can transform any negative energy around you to positive energy. Just as important is the tool or state of relaxation for this is the springboard from which so much begins.

Nora and I spoke recently. Though she had no actual proof she worried that her job was in jeopardy. She said that things were going from bad to worse. I listened so as to determine whether she was putting herself into a state of anxiety or if she was reading the energy around her . Nora told me that the business was changing hands, the manager brought in new help and she sensed she was on her way out the door. She felt powerless. I advised Nora to keep doing what she had been doing which was to "fly under the radar". She needed to relax for two reasons. One was so that she did not create undue anxiety. The other was so that she could indeed sense more deeply what was going on and what she might do. We didn't need her thoughts creating fear and negative outcomes!

By her keeping a low profile and staying calm and as relaxed as possible we could buy some time to let things play out. As it turned out Nora indeed had been reading energy accurately. She found out that the manager, who Nora considered a friend, had lied about her to the new owner in order to get into his good graces. This came straight from the new owner! Isn't it interesting how this turned out? I strongly believe that the manager was living in the energy of fear. He was so gripped by it that he tried to control the outcome by making some unethical moves. I don't know yet, but I suspect that the new owner may have a skill in reading energy. He may not call it this - maybe something more like business savvy.

But clearly what occurred for Nora was that she trusted that in all likelihood she was reading the manager's energy and that it was negative. Especially toward Nora. She did not like what she was picking up from her energy field and did not want to believe it. After all they had become friends and knew one another for several years. But in her wisdom Nora trusted her instinct and inner ability to read energy rather than what was going on on the surface. (Some call it a hunch.) She took protective measures until the situation played it self out.

When we develop and trust our ability to read energy, we have coupled with tools that help us to evolve. Reading energy will enable us to protect ourselves and to tune in to that which will help us as it did in Nora's situation. I heard from her recently and she got a much deserved promotion from the new owner. The manager is gone. But I think that what makes her most happy is the realization that she trusted the Universe/God and the instinct within her (and all of us). After all is a plant can beat the odds and detect who or what is harmful, shouldn't we be able to do the same thing? Invisible intelligent energy communicates with us if we will only listen!

Until next time, enjoy listening in to all the signs of intelligent energy which present themselves to you. And remember to be kind to your plants!

Joyously Yours,

Dr. DyAnn

Friday, June 12, 2009

You, the Healer

Who and exactly what is a healer? What comes to mind when you hear the word?

I have many friends and acquaintances who are "healers". I'm speaking now in the formal sense: psychotherapists, doctors and nurses, Reiki masters, Qigong instructors. Quite literally they have a distinct understanding of what their line of work is and what it is they wish to accomplish. Some "always knew" they wanted to be in the arena of healing while others had a journey which was more circuitous....

I had lunch recently with a young woman who had been a client of mine as a teenager. Vivacious and energetic, one would never guess what a tough time she had with her own healing journey. She was so intensely caught in the grip of fear and anxiety she was like a beautiful songbird in a cage. Rachael's fear manifested in such a way that she could not travel alone. She always had to depend on someone from her small trusted inner circle to be with her anytime she traveled. I'm not talking major trips cross country on Southwest Airlines here. I mean to a gathering across town! So certainly, when she was drawn toward a career as a nurse I am sure there were those who doubted this would ever happen.

As we talked our way thru our salads at a popular local restaurant I asked Rachael about her career. Her face literally lit up as she talked about the hands-on medical responsibilities she has as a home health nurse. Think about it... that field of nursing does a lot of traveling as they come to the assistance of their patients. And like I said, one would never guess that the confident, competent woman who now shared the excitement of her career with me had once been crippled by the fear of leaving home. She healed and became a healer. Pretty amazing stuff!

The whole point of Rachael's story is about focus. Even with the seemingly insurmountable problem she was facing, she had a focus. And even though she had the aid of medication while she went thru the darkest time, as well as the assistance of therapy, I am sure that the deciding factor in her success was what went on in her own mind.

So we might call it focus or perhaps determination, but I think it was something richer and more mysterious ~ perhaps even elusive to our common form of understanding. Did the therapy heal her? Or did it merely spark something more profound within.

I think we all have that magic within us. I am so fortunate to work in my chosen field; I have literally seen countless miracles ~ feats of magic~ common everyday people like you and me overcoming obstacles in our pathway.

There are so many ways to overcome obstacles ~ everything from starting with a small step like finding a work of art and using that as the benchmark of creating a loving peaceful space in your home. And there you can rediscover the greatness within you. Or on the other end of the spectrum having the courage to take on a big corporation that wrongly let you go....or choosing to let go of it and turning your attention to what you love and what inspires you. It's all about healing.

Life is rich with choices for healing. And in the end we are our own healers. The rest is just friendly assistance along the way.

Watch for and embrace the many methods that wash you in healing energy. Life is so much easier that way.

Until next time,
Blessings of healing
Dr. DyAnn

Monday, June 8, 2009

Think About It

What is your heart's desire? Right now, at this time in your life, what is it that you want and need? Are you using the Universal Laws to create what you want and need in life?

Whether we realize it or not, the Universal Laws are always in operation. The life circumstances that you are living in right now are what you have created. That is both an inspiring and somewhat daunting idea! But, we need to take personal responsibility for what is going on around us. More and more we are hearing about the way in which we truly do impact our own life in both big and small ways. It isn't just a passing notion or current popular book idea. The bottom line is we have tremendous power... the power to create.

What we focus on grows. Matter/form follows thought. Right now, think about your left foot and the pressure of your shoe or the feeling of the surface you are on. You now have created awareness. If you take the experiment a little further and notice the temperature of your foot... notice if it is just a little too warm or cool... Suddenly your foot, which a moment ago was not in your awareness, comes to the forefront of your mind. You could take the experiment even further by enhancing whatever feeling you desire, right there in your left foot: cool it if it's too warm, for example. Have a little fun with it and see that you can create a sensation like an itch, tickle or buzz. (This is about directing energy.)

Now for a moment turn your awareness to what you think about on a casual daily basis. Do you pollute your life with toxic negative thoughts? These "little" thoughts do matter! Remember, the Universe is neutral in following your thoughts, which turn into real things.

Katrina came to me for help with her esteem and her marriage. While we worked together I noted that her hands were always cold and she held them rigidly. At times she was in pain as she suffered from a disease which created this discomfort. I had Katrina lean back on the couch, close her eyes and do some deep breathing. I guided her into a gentle state of relaxation, assisting her in going to a beautiful warm place with her imagination. While there I asked Katrina to focus on her hands ~ to notice that her hands felt wonderfully comfortable. Even as I said this I noticed that her shoulders relaxed and her breathing deepened. As I quietly reassured her that she was completely comfortable I noticed that her hands now relaxed, releasing their tight grip.

When Katrina was ready she came up to a fully awakened state. She smiled pleasantly. After a moment, and another deep full breath Katrina noted that her hands now felt completely comfortable, warm and cozy.

What changed? How did it happen?

Yes, I did assist in helping Katrina to enter into a deeper relaxed state. And I provided the suggestion that the physical environment that she entered was cozy and warm. I used my voice along with soft background music to provide an atmosphere of comfort and calm.

But all the rest was accomplished by Katrina. Once her conscious mind was relaxed her deeper subconscious mind went to work bringing to her what she wanted and needed ~ warm hands.

All of us have this power within. The "Secret" is to relax the chattering conscious mind. That is the pure and truly simple secret to Yogi Masters changing their heart rate or walking on hot coals.

And that secret is within you, just waiting to be used to create your own heart's desire.

What we notice or attend to is vitally important; it connects us to the Laws of the Universe ~ the magic of creation. It is core to our very being. When we add passion (strong feeling) to our thoughts we ramp up the magic of our ability to create. The Universe is really neutral about what we create. In other words, the end product can be as delightful as that "ahhhh" experience of finding something (or someone) you have been searching for and dreaming about, to a scenario that really "sucks!" Be careful about what you "accidentally" create!

We need to remember how the mind works. And by understanding how the mind works, we understand how the Universe and its laws work.We have been given the tools to create a fantastic life, starting with something as simple as warm hands.

Until next time ~
Blessings and love to you and those you love,
Dr. DyAnn

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Blue Ribbon Project

I just had the most strange and amazing experience. I was sitting at my desk, writing my blog. I always meditate and do a lot of thinking before I write. I want it to be meaningful and helpful for those of you who read it. But this morning I was struggling with what to write. Nothing seemed to come out right. My thoughts would scatter and go in a completely different directions like dandelion fluff in the wind. It just wasn't coming together.

I had written quite a bit on the creative energy of thought. But it felt dry and forced; I erased the whole thing and started over. I decided to write about an amazing person in my life and how she wasn't a likely person that would end up being such a blessing for me. What a lesson that is. Aha I thought, I am finally on my way to a successful post!

My computer screen started to blink erratically and then it went blank. Yikes!!! My first thought was that some sort of worm had invaded! But in the same mysterious way that the screen went blank it jumped back to life again, as if it were awaiting my writing. I took it as a sign however, that this was not the right time to be writing, and went about some other tasks. Because I have learned to "let it go" thru a series of hard lessons I was able to joyfully go about my list of other things to do today; in the back of my mind I flirted with topics that my readers might find interesting and helpful.

When I came back to my desk I checked my e~mails. When one brought me to tears I knew it was what I needed to write about. And of all things, it was one of those "forwards" that circulate round and round. Often times I don't even bother to open them.

This one was a story I had heard before but it had pictures that made it come more alive. An abbreviated version of the story goes something like this:

A teacher in New York decided to honor her seniors by telling them the difference each of them had made. Each was called up to the front of the classroom and given a blue ribbon which read Who I am Makes a Difference.
The class decided to do a project to see what kind of impact recognition would have on the community. Each student was given three more of the blue ribbons with the instruction to go out and spread the "Acknowledge Ceremony."
One boy gave a blue ribbon to the Junior Executive who had helped him with career planning. He asked the executive to pass along the other two ribbons, finding someone to honor. The Junior Executive went to his boss who had a reputation for being kind of a grouchy fellow. He told his boss that he admired him for being a creative genius. The boss seemed a little surprised as he accepted the ribbon which the Junior Executive pinned above his heart. And the boss was instructed to take the remaining ribbon and pass it on, honoring somebody else. He explained that "The teenager who gave me these is doing a school project and we want to keep the ribbon ceremony going and see how it affects people."

The boss drove home and sat down with his 14 year old son. He explained what had happened. "He gave me the extra ribbon and asked me to find somebody else to honor. As I was driving home tonight I started thinking about who I would honor with this ribbon. I thought about you and I want to honor you. My days are hectic and when I come home I don't pay a lot of attention to you. I yell at you for not getting good enough grades and for your messy room. Somehow, tonight, I just wanted to sit here and well, just let you know that you do make a difference to me. Besides your mother you are the most important person in my life. You are a great kid and I love you."

The boy looked up at his father and said through his tears, "Dad, earlier tonight I sat in my room and wrote a letter to you and Mom explaining why I took my life and I asked you to forgive me. I was going to commit suicide tonight after you were asleep. I just didn't think that you cared at all. The letter is upstairs. I don't think that I'll need it after all."

The boss went back to work a changed man. He was no longer a grouch but made sure to let all of his employees know that they make a difference. The Junior Executive helped many other young people with career planning, one being the boss's son and never forgets to let them know that they make a difference in his life. In addition the young man and his classmates leaned a valuable lesson: Who you are does make a difference.

And so my dear readers I pass along to you what CJ passed along to me via the story of the kids in New York. Her e mail meant so much to me and I hope that the same energy and love is passed along to you as you read this blog.

Please know that I think you are important or you would never have received this "message" in the first place.
Who you are does make a difference. I 'm passing the blue ribbon on to you.

Let's continue with our own ceremony and see what a difference we can each make in acknowledging others in our life.

Until next time,
Love and blessings to you and those you love,
Dr. DyAnn