Thursday, February 19, 2009

Protection from Energy Vampires

Did you ever get a speeding ticket or a warning? I must confess, my driving record is less than perfect. Anytime I have gotten a ticket I knew I "had it coming." I knew I was going over the posted limit. Once I got stopped and got off with a warning. Very nice gentleman! I honestly did not know what the speed limit was and thought I was traveling under the limit. It was one of those movie scenes that starts with "What's the problem, Officer?" Luckily it had a positive ending.
Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever thought you were obeying the law only to find out that you were wrong... and the officer knew it too? And that movie didn't end so well? Those kind of tickets are hard to deal with because we honestly did not think we were doing anything wrong. We were not aware of the law or that the law had changed. That is how it is with our man-made laws.

Another kind of law is not man-made. This is the law of the Universe. (think law of gravity.) Remember here that "law" simply means principles about how things operate. They remain the same over time no matter what the location or the people involved. We can count on them. That being said, once we learn about them, we can work with them for our favor. They are tried and true and for our well being. To not know of them is like driving in a strange place at night with no map and no head lights! No brakes! Everything out of our control.

Universal laws by and large are about energy. By now most everyone realizes that everything is energy.... trees, rocks, animals, snow, me and you. All things visible and that which is invisible. Just because we cannot see something does not mean that it is not real, or that it is not part of the energy matrix. One example would be the wind. We cannot see it but we know how powerful it can be. Thoughts cannot be seen either, but they are immensely powerful energy.

How all of this fits together is that we can know and understand the laws/concepts of how life operates - Universal Laws. We can work with these laws for our benefit. It is akin to never getting caught in the speed trap in that little town in the middle of nowhere and ending up with a hefty fine and lots of point off your license! You just smile as you drive thru!

I want to share with you a very powerful method whereby you can utilize the power of your thoughts in conjunction with the Universal Laws.

Everyone puts out energy; we can "read" the energy of those around us. (This is best done with a still and quiet mind.) The energy of some folks is just lovely and we feel so good when we are in their presence. However, there are other people whose energy it is just plain nasty to be around. A good term I have heard to describe them is "energy vampires." We feel drained when we are around them and quite literally our own energy changes if we aren't careful and don't know what to do. If you are in a good space and "for no reason" begin to feel drained and kind of powerless, chances are you got zapped by one of those vampires. Be careful of the company you keep.

Of course if you can leave the physical presence of these negative folks, you owe it to yourself to do so! However, if you don't have the luxury of that choice ( Nasty Controlling Boss and I Need My Job!) there is something you can do to protect yourself.

This energy I have been speaking of is called an aura. An "aura" could be described as an invisible human energy system. It can actually be photographed. I have the fortunate experience of knowing someone in Green Bay, WI who does aura photography. A before and after picture (of some soothing healing work done) proved beyond a doubt that this stuff is real! We are living in an awesome time when science and the ancient sages come together. Physicists and brain researchers using advanced brain imagery might use a different language but they speak of the very same things. This is not new age "junk."

When you are feeling good and positive, it shows. (And can be aura-photographed as well as detected thru brain imagery). When you have been around a negative demeaning person (whose aura/brain image could also be photographed) your aura (or energy) changes. You feel down and depleted.

Now in the same way that we put up a shelter to protect our self from the energy of strong winds, we can create a block of the energy of that negative person. You are not doing this to harm the other person; it has no impact on him or her. It is really an act of self-protection and love.

So here is how to protect yourself from the negative energy emulating from others:

Quiet your mind.
Take several deep breaths....slowly.
Realize that you breathe in what you need-
breathe out what you don't need.
Imagine ( because thoughts create!) a protective bubble surrounding you.
See the color/s of the bubble...
Get a "feel" for the protective bubble and its size...
it's shape...
Know that no negative energy can enter or get through your protective energy bubble.
Your bubble is impenetrable.
You are safe from all negative energy and can go about your daily business.
Life is good.


Until next time,
Dr. DyAnn

This is an area of life that I have studied for many years and I love to teach about it.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

True Love

It's Valentine's Day. A special time that we celebrate love. This is my message of love for you.

There are many people who are very easy to love. We simply enjoy being around them, soaking up their positive energy. But, let's face it - there are also those who get on our nerves and just rub us the wrong way. We all have those kind of people in our life too. And some of them get to us more than others: maybe the nosey neighbor, the perfectionist boss, the depressed co-worker, or the relative that treats you with disregard. These are the people who are much more difficult to love. Maybe even difficult to like!

"Liz" and I talked about how she has had some huge challenges lately with the kind of people that make it difficult for her to be around them. We talked about how she might deal with the various challenges. Being a good problem solver, she was able to set goals and make changes: becoming more assertive, keeping herself calm, practicing better self care.

Recently I asked her what she thought her lesson might be with all these challenges coming to her at once, as rapid fire as a machine gun! She answered that she thought she needed to practice her skills no matter what the situation.

I think our lessons are about something even deeper. They represent what we came here to learn. Our problems challenge us to look deep within our own self. The key is that we must look at how we are reacting to those problems. Our lessons are about more than handling stress or communicating better. At a more profound level they touch the core of our very being asking us to "remember" something.

At our center, each and every one of us is an amazing, empowered, lovable person.

Think about that. Let it soak in. Especially if you have been struggling lately, let those words touch the core of your being and remind you of what you have forgotten.

Remember. Sit in a quiet space and make it a special time of reflection . Quiet your mind. Remember....

Now, with that remembering will eventually come the realization that we are all one. Everyone is struggling in some capacity at one time or another. It is part of the learning - the ebb and flow of life.

When we bring to mind that we are all one, we can much more easily love those who seem not so lovable: that nosey neighbor may be lonely. The perfectionist boss may have pressures that we cannot envision. The depressed co-worker has lost the ability to believe. The disrespectful family member is lost in entanglement of childhood imprints.

When we can see others as being on a journey toward enlightenment, just as we are, life is much easier. We realize that some are walking blindly, some are discouraged, some are just beginning to awaken, and others are calmly but quietly aware.

It helps to realize that the other person's irritating habits are but an outward manifestation of their own inner struggle. It has nothing to do with you. There is no need to take it personally.

Along the path of enlightenment we come to realize that we are all one.

Dr. DyAnn

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Gift of Love

As we approach Valentine's Day I am going to ask you to do two things: One is to let those people you care about know that you value them and their being in you life. I invite you to extend your message of appreciation beyond the traditional family members. Let your friends, co-workers and neighbors know that they touch your life.
Put yourself in the role of the recipient of this sort of message and you will soon see how important it will end up being. Think of how gratifying it would be to have these folks let you know that it's cool to have you as a neighbor or co-worker. And it would be even more meaningful if they added how much they enjoy your humor or spontaneity or that you can be counted on to be a team player at work. In other words, when you deliver the gift of appreciation, be specific as to what attribute it is that you notice and value.

I recently did this with a postal worker and I thought she would fall over! I couldn't help but notice as I waited in the long line that people were impatient and rather de-humanizing with the clerks behind the desk. Why do we do this?! Anyway, when I got to the front of the line the worker greeted me with a warm smile and friendly hello. I commented that her cheery greeting was a pleasant part of my day. I also told her that I always noticed her smile when I came to the post office because her smile is an exceptionally beautiful one. You would have thought I handed her a winning lottery check! I was so glad that I could make her day better. Who knows what rippling effect our energy and our words have. I guarantee your words of appreciation will make a difference to those in your life.

The second thing that I am going to ask you to do is to give your own self a gift. And that gift is that of working on replacing negative thoughts about yourself with positive ones. All of us have certain imprints or ways that we are triggered into negative thinking. The way the brain works is fascinating. I have written before about imprinting. Here is a classic case example.

Danny is the youngest child in his family of five. For some reason, his father practically disowned him. If there ever was a male "Cinderella" he would be it. When he was growing up he always got the brunt of his father's disrespect. Danny got the chores that were the dirtiest and most difficult. And as he recalls, he could never do enough; what he did do was never right. And sadly this all began when he was a very young child.

Because Danny was popular and well liked no one would ever have guessed that he had problems with low self esteem. We worked on looking at the roll those early messages and how they triggered him in the present. He got more adept at recognizing when he was being "triggered" by the echoes of the past.

The way the brain works is that there is an instant going back into the "files" of our memory when a stimulus presents itself. In Danny's case, when there was even the broadest hint of someone looking down on him (which is really the other person's issue - just like it was his father's issue) his mind would go back into those unconscious records and in effect say "Oh I remember this. I am useless. I am not well liked. I am powerless and not important."

It did not matter that Danny was now 35, well liked and accomplished. When this triggering took place via a casual remark the next step happened on auto-pilot. He would literally feel powerless, useless and unimportant. He would unconsciously buy into being a victim! It was as if he again was six years old and under his father's control.

Like Danny, we all have triggers and imprints and they all take place on auto-pilot. However, like Danny we can recover from them. That brings me back to the beginning of this writing when I asked you to replace negative thinking with more positive thoughts.

We become what we repeatedly think about. So, next time you catch yourself thinking anything but the kindest, most loving and respectful thoughts about yourself STOP! There are very good odds that you may have "learned" those negative judgments from someone in your pas: a sibling, teacher, parent, early childhood friend, spouse. When we are hurt by someone it is recorded in our memory. We adopt their words and judgments as our own. If we allow ourselves to dwell upon these words and judgments, we are being more unkind to ourselves than they were (or are) .
The reason I say this is : We cannot control what others think of us and say to us. But we have ultimate and complete control over what we allow ourselves to think about our own self! So be as kind to your own self as you would to a best friend. Using this wisdom is one of the best gifts of love you can give to yourself!

Enjoy! And happy Valentine's Day as you celebrate the love in your heart.
Blessings and love to you and those you love,
Dr. DyAnn

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Transformation Information

Have you ever paid attention to how you express yourself? For example, when you want someone to know that y0u understand what they just said, which of the following ways might you say it? I see what you mean . I hear what you are saying. I'm with you. Each of these are examples of a preferred way of expressing our self that reveals how we take in and process information.

Most of us (70%) are visual or a combination that includes visual. Our conversations are riddled with references to "seeing" : I see what you mean. I don't see how you could think that. Why couldn't they see my side of things. It is easy for visual processors to picture things in their minds and to imagine things visually. Other people are auditory processors and some get the feel of things or are experiential.

You might want to "listen in" on conversations over the next couple of days to discover how you and other people express themselves. If you find an "information exchange barrier" going on in your conversation with someone, you might want to consider this information and utilize it to increase understanding. If your partner is not understanding you, try to discover if she or he is processing in a different way than your style. For example, giving an explanation to someone just by speaking words may fail (auditory); rather, try expressing by painting a visual picture. Use descriptions that a person might be able to imagine or see. This method might work better in conveying your idea because you would be utilizing visual aspects. Or you might find a way to show the person, thus using the experiential aspect. Play around with it and you might make some enriching discoveries.

There are other interesting facts about how we process information. We learn to process information in the first few months of our life. I was reading some research on this in regard to people who have been traumatized. Interesting, but not surprising, is the fact that children who have been traumatized do not learn to put things together in the same way as those who grow up to be well-adjusted adults.

It is my firm belief that many people have had traumatic experiences in life, but do not remember them. I am not talking so much about those who have suffered obvious abuse or neglect - as a defense mechanism they dissociate or repress their memories. What I am speaking of is what I have called "hidden trauma". An example might be a four year old in a wonderful family. She comes home from school and mommy and daddy ignore her as she shares the pretty picture she made. It was her first attempt at using paints, let's say.

In this example, what may occur is that the child puts two and two together with faulty addition. Being just a young child, she simply does not have the maturity to realize that mommy and daddy were preoccupied - deep in a conversation about bills. The child adds things up and comes to the erroneous conclusion that her ventures are just not important, and in fact she is not important. In understanding the brain this is called "imprinting."

Now I am not meaning that we have to walk on eggshells or that children are so fragile that a tiny episode could cause irreparable damage. Constant ignoring could very likely cause those conclusions of course. My point is that as we each were growing up, there were many incidents that were seemingly "normal" and non-damaging. However, depending on our age and stage of development, along with some other factors, we could well be carrying around some "hidden trauma" that caused imprinting on the brain . Remember - what you believe to be true, is true. And those beliefs start when our soul comes into existence..

Meg is a great example. She has everything going for her. She is happily married to a great guy. She is moving up in a career that she loves. But when I first saw her as a client I could see a hollowness in her eyes. She could not identify a "presenting problem" ; she described her life as one that many people would envy.

When we did the intake interview she had at first described her family of origin as warm and loving. However, when we looked further, we uncovered a pattern in which there were many memories of incidents when she felt anything but supported. Her brother teased her a lot and when he was supposed to be looking after her she felt she was very much on her own.

The subconscious mind holds all memories, recorded as if it happened yesterday. It also houses feelings. And remember as I have written before, the subconscious has no ability to reason or use logic. I call that a potentially hazardous mix. Memory + emotion minus logic! And as we grow up these memories and their partnering with strong feelings, become our imprints, whether we recall them or not. They are part of the blueprint we use to build and operate our lives!

The bottom line is this - short of finding a good hypnotherapist to go back and "rewire" those hidden memories, there is something you can and should do for yourself:
Spend quiet time and examine what you believe to be true about yourself, your childhood and the world in which you now live. Make up your mind which of those beliefs you want to keep and which do not suit you. This information is extremely powerful. It is at the heart of the message in Romans 12: You shall be transformed by the renewal of your mind.
You have been given one of the keys to happiness- whether you use it is all about free will. The choice is up to you.

Dr. DyAnn