Saturday, February 14, 2009

True Love

It's Valentine's Day. A special time that we celebrate love. This is my message of love for you.

There are many people who are very easy to love. We simply enjoy being around them, soaking up their positive energy. But, let's face it - there are also those who get on our nerves and just rub us the wrong way. We all have those kind of people in our life too. And some of them get to us more than others: maybe the nosey neighbor, the perfectionist boss, the depressed co-worker, or the relative that treats you with disregard. These are the people who are much more difficult to love. Maybe even difficult to like!

"Liz" and I talked about how she has had some huge challenges lately with the kind of people that make it difficult for her to be around them. We talked about how she might deal with the various challenges. Being a good problem solver, she was able to set goals and make changes: becoming more assertive, keeping herself calm, practicing better self care.

Recently I asked her what she thought her lesson might be with all these challenges coming to her at once, as rapid fire as a machine gun! She answered that she thought she needed to practice her skills no matter what the situation.

I think our lessons are about something even deeper. They represent what we came here to learn. Our problems challenge us to look deep within our own self. The key is that we must look at how we are reacting to those problems. Our lessons are about more than handling stress or communicating better. At a more profound level they touch the core of our very being asking us to "remember" something.

At our center, each and every one of us is an amazing, empowered, lovable person.

Think about that. Let it soak in. Especially if you have been struggling lately, let those words touch the core of your being and remind you of what you have forgotten.

Remember. Sit in a quiet space and make it a special time of reflection . Quiet your mind. Remember....

Now, with that remembering will eventually come the realization that we are all one. Everyone is struggling in some capacity at one time or another. It is part of the learning - the ebb and flow of life.

When we bring to mind that we are all one, we can much more easily love those who seem not so lovable: that nosey neighbor may be lonely. The perfectionist boss may have pressures that we cannot envision. The depressed co-worker has lost the ability to believe. The disrespectful family member is lost in entanglement of childhood imprints.

When we can see others as being on a journey toward enlightenment, just as we are, life is much easier. We realize that some are walking blindly, some are discouraged, some are just beginning to awaken, and others are calmly but quietly aware.

It helps to realize that the other person's irritating habits are but an outward manifestation of their own inner struggle. It has nothing to do with you. There is no need to take it personally.

Along the path of enlightenment we come to realize that we are all one.

Dr. DyAnn

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