Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Change Your Mind ~ Change Your Life!

The benchmark of my work is the Power of the Mind: the power that is readily available to you. Our subconscious mind in limitless in what it can do. There is so much research I have read about this topic, meaning it is soundly scientific. On a more personal note, I have seen some pretty amazing things happen once a person starts to embrace this concept ~ the understanding of the Mind. There are changes I have seen people make in their lives due to this idea alone, when many other attempts to make their life better have failed.

One example is Brooke, a morbidly obese woman who came to me for help with her relationship. She really wasn't looking for help with her weight as she had "tried everything" , only to find herself caught up in the yo-yo weight gain/loss scenario. She was content enough with her weight. But working in health care she knew all the risks involved. We worked with techniques involving "changing her mind" including hypnotherapy, for changing the way her mind was working against her in regard to her weight. The results were truly remarkable!

You see, we program our own minds. We do it every minute, every second of the day. We get caught up in the problems and issues that come our way. We are bombarded by sensory intake ~ what we see, hear, touch etc. And it sets our conscious minds a spinning. For Brooke, every time she saw her image in a mirror or reflected in a window, her mind told her she was fat. And what we tell our self becomes true. In other words, even though Brooke was obese, she unknowingly was creating a life-long self fulfilling prophesy to stay obese. Our subconscious mind "obeys" what our conscious (thinking) mind thinks or says.

Have you ever listened in on what your own mind is saying? This "flowing stream of consciousness" is like a radio station. Stop and ask yourself if you like what it is playing.
Do this often, and you will have a profoundly important key of understanding and changing your life.

I will confess there are times that I get caught up on a channel that I do not like. I may be obsessing about a problem and interestingly enough, while I am on that channel my emotional well being is... frankly, not so well. Focusing on problems and annoyances can leave us feeling emotionally upset. When you ponder this, it only makes sense. Remember, what we focus on grows!

Another person I worked with was "Steve". He felt his life was nearly destroyed; someone very close to him died a horrible death in an unbelievable accident. He was the first one on the accident scene and he could not get the picture of the loved one out of his mind. He was haunted by it. Hearing his story would reduce anyone to tears. We successfully used hypnotherapy and mindful techniques. Today Steve has nothing but wonderful memories of his loved one. He still finds the results, and what he can now do with the power of his mind miraculous.

What we need to learn is how to " switch channels" so to speak. Why would we want to waste our time getting all worked up about this or that, when we can be enjoying peace of mind and being centered. It is that which can give us the assurance that whatever the problem is, it will be taken care of. Why, because our incredible subconscious mind is without limit. It is the place of creative (problem solving) thinking. And I believe it is also the place where our soul meets with the Creative Energy of Love that we call God.

So the next time you find yourself on a channel that is not "music to your ears" change it! You owe it to yourself to feed your mind the information that you want programmed.This is the gateway to reducing the menacing emotions and wasteful thinking that holds us back.

Until next time,
Blessings and love to you and those you love,
Dr. DyAnn

PS. I have just a few openings left for when I will be in Green Bay during my next visit. Please contact me if you are interested d.buechler@yahoo.com

Monday, April 13, 2009

Journey thru the Forest

Imagine if you will, that you are traveling along a beautiful path thru an ancient and magical forest. No stress, just enjoying the scenery - the sunlight flickering thru the ancient trees, the natural smells that are so relaxing.... ah, just wonder-ful. Give yourself a moment or two now if you would like, to enjoy this peacefulness.
I often use that metaphor to describe life as being exactly like that scene. I see my own self and this old wooden cart as I make my way along the path. That path is mine as well as yours. We all travel along on our journey thru life. We try to stay on course, but we kind of veer off toward the left edge, then the right, as we go along on our way. At times I wonder how the heck my cart ended up in the woods, turned over with the wheels spinning! It is as if my awareness took a vacation and it is a mystery to me how this happened!

We all have times that our cart goes off course: something about our life is in shambles.
It may be something that occurs suddenly. Other times it is a situation that goes from bad to worse. You might be dealing with one of those scenarios right now.

I used to wonder what takes us off that magical path. Was it fate? Luck? Someone getting in my way? I would be perplexed as to how I could be just humming along with life going beautifully and then lose my way. Talk about frustrating!

There is one common denominator that takes our "cart" off that magical road., even though there are hundreds upon hundreds of kinds of burdens we find we must face: stuff with our family, adult relationships, divorce, job issues, self esteem, finances, what we want and don't get, what we got and don't want! The list goes on and on. Our life can and does get messy.

What makes THE DIFFERENCE during those times of trouble is whether we forget or remember what powerful beings we really are. Call it "attitude", "mind set" or what ever works for you. The word that works for me is "fear". If I let my fear get away from me, I will guarantee that my cart will end up in the woods, not only overturned, but maybe with the wheels off.

But even that scene is no where near impossible to remedy. I don't have to look for AAA to come along on the path. I simply need to go back into my mind, and realize that I have all the power I need to remedy the situation.

Let me give you an example. Jill is recently divorced. This really took the wind out of her sails. The marriage should have ended long ago. Perhaps because it dragged on, the divorce proceedings were pretty nasty. Her spouse did lots of finger pointing and blaming that it was all her fault. Of course during the marriage all that went wrong was - yes you guessed it - her fault too. When I counseled her she was pretty beaten down. Her attractive face wore the burden of all that negativity. She felt pretty powerless.

If Jill (as well as her former spouse) is going to really get the full benefit of the divorce (and Life), there is one thing she must remember to do. And it is the same thing that all of us must remember to do each day if we are to have a successful life.

Remember that cart and the pathway in the beautiful forest? That metaphor represents you. The forest represents the many details of life, the path is our own personal journey, and the cart is our mind. As we successfully use our mind, our journey thru the forest can be delightful. We successfully make our way thru the challenges that come our way. We are secure in knowing that our cart (Mind) will take us where ever we choose to go. If we stop believing this and let the cart wander, of course it will end up in an unpleasant place. How big of a mystery is that?

Einstein once said something to the effect that a problem cannot be solved with the same mind that created it. Sorry I can't recall quite how the quote goes. But the gist of the saying is that we have a part of our mind that is all powerful, all knowing. We are creative and powerful beyond our wildest dreams.

My wish is for you to remember who you are and the true power that you have in making your life truly magnificent.

Until next time
Dr. DyAnn

Monday, April 6, 2009

Brain Power

By now you realize that I have a huge interest in how our brains work. I thought it might be interesting to have a few inside peeks at some things that go on with our brains. I hope you find some thing that is helpful for you.

I used to have the world's record for misplaced car keys until a dear friend gave me one of those giant clips. I always use it to attach them to my purse. I think she got tired of time wasted running around looking for my lost keys. (Hi Jane!)

The way our brains work, we can reduce moments of forgetfulness by jazzing up our temporal lobes. That is the portion of the brain where short term memory is stored. From short term location, items are either moved along into long term or tossed because they are no longer needed. So, how do we increase nerve activity in the temporal lobe? Take on new challenges! Something as simple as learning a new card game, taking a cooking class, even finding a new route to work gets that sleepy temporal lobe up and moving again. And no more of those embarrassing moments of forgetting where you left your CAR in the mall parking lot!

One of my favorite researchers in Dr. Daniel Amen of UC Irvine. He is a real pioneer in brain research and imaging. Also, if you want to take a great self test to learn if you have any form of ADD check him out on line. You will find an amazing wealth of information that may prove to be helpful.

Now that we have our car and our keys let's talk about SAD (Seasonal Affect Disorder). The further north we go the greater the incidence of "winter depression". I have had clients who are almost debilitated by it. SAD is caused by a drop in dopamine. Dopamine keeps the brain working correctly as it is a central nervous system stimulant. Without it symptoms of depression rise.
A little known fact is that when we change to a more typical summer diet and eat less protein, our dopamine levels drop as does our ability to concentrate and focus. So, be sure to get enough protein (4 oz of meat daily for example) so that your brain's supply of the amino acids work to bring the dopamine levels up. For those of us on a vegetarian diet, this is an extra caution. Some of my clients swear by using tanning beds once a week for 15 minutes (along with imaging that Caribbean vacation). University of Miami researchers report that a 15 minute massage (even a self massage) boosts the brain's ability to focus and stay on track. They explain that it rids us of stress, which throws off the brain's natural chemical balance. So whatever helps you to reduce stress also helps your brain chemistry, thus putting you in a better mood.

Sleep disruptions impact our brain chemistry. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter which impacts the speed of the functioning of our brain cells. Something as simple as changing the time you go to sleep can disrupt this delicate balance. One result can be difficulty with recall- you know, having the word "on the tip of your tongue." Dr Pavel Yutsis author of Why Can't I Remember (Avery) suggests increasing the intake of the amino acids found in eggs, soy, rice and leafy greens. You can also take the amino acid as a supplement _ phosphatidylserine. It will take up to 12 weeks to correct the deficiency but memory and ability for recall is said to improve by 15 percent. I have not had anyone try this, but this is what the research is saying.

This information is just the tip of the ice burg in the fascinating world of our amazing mind. I would remind you to speak with a trusted health professional who has an awareness of the information shared here. I have found folks who run vitamin stores to be a good resource.

A happy heart probably has the best impact on creating a healthy mind! And from that point the mind is LIMITLESS in what it can do.
Be a joy to others and it will come back to you!
Dr. DyAnn