Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Change Your Mind ~ Change Your Life!

The benchmark of my work is the Power of the Mind: the power that is readily available to you. Our subconscious mind in limitless in what it can do. There is so much research I have read about this topic, meaning it is soundly scientific. On a more personal note, I have seen some pretty amazing things happen once a person starts to embrace this concept ~ the understanding of the Mind. There are changes I have seen people make in their lives due to this idea alone, when many other attempts to make their life better have failed.

One example is Brooke, a morbidly obese woman who came to me for help with her relationship. She really wasn't looking for help with her weight as she had "tried everything" , only to find herself caught up in the yo-yo weight gain/loss scenario. She was content enough with her weight. But working in health care she knew all the risks involved. We worked with techniques involving "changing her mind" including hypnotherapy, for changing the way her mind was working against her in regard to her weight. The results were truly remarkable!

You see, we program our own minds. We do it every minute, every second of the day. We get caught up in the problems and issues that come our way. We are bombarded by sensory intake ~ what we see, hear, touch etc. And it sets our conscious minds a spinning. For Brooke, every time she saw her image in a mirror or reflected in a window, her mind told her she was fat. And what we tell our self becomes true. In other words, even though Brooke was obese, she unknowingly was creating a life-long self fulfilling prophesy to stay obese. Our subconscious mind "obeys" what our conscious (thinking) mind thinks or says.

Have you ever listened in on what your own mind is saying? This "flowing stream of consciousness" is like a radio station. Stop and ask yourself if you like what it is playing.
Do this often, and you will have a profoundly important key of understanding and changing your life.

I will confess there are times that I get caught up on a channel that I do not like. I may be obsessing about a problem and interestingly enough, while I am on that channel my emotional well being is... frankly, not so well. Focusing on problems and annoyances can leave us feeling emotionally upset. When you ponder this, it only makes sense. Remember, what we focus on grows!

Another person I worked with was "Steve". He felt his life was nearly destroyed; someone very close to him died a horrible death in an unbelievable accident. He was the first one on the accident scene and he could not get the picture of the loved one out of his mind. He was haunted by it. Hearing his story would reduce anyone to tears. We successfully used hypnotherapy and mindful techniques. Today Steve has nothing but wonderful memories of his loved one. He still finds the results, and what he can now do with the power of his mind miraculous.

What we need to learn is how to " switch channels" so to speak. Why would we want to waste our time getting all worked up about this or that, when we can be enjoying peace of mind and being centered. It is that which can give us the assurance that whatever the problem is, it will be taken care of. Why, because our incredible subconscious mind is without limit. It is the place of creative (problem solving) thinking. And I believe it is also the place where our soul meets with the Creative Energy of Love that we call God.

So the next time you find yourself on a channel that is not "music to your ears" change it! You owe it to yourself to feed your mind the information that you want programmed.This is the gateway to reducing the menacing emotions and wasteful thinking that holds us back.

Until next time,
Blessings and love to you and those you love,
Dr. DyAnn

PS. I have just a few openings left for when I will be in Green Bay during my next visit. Please contact me if you are interested d.buechler@yahoo.com

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