Thursday, February 19, 2009

Protection from Energy Vampires

Did you ever get a speeding ticket or a warning? I must confess, my driving record is less than perfect. Anytime I have gotten a ticket I knew I "had it coming." I knew I was going over the posted limit. Once I got stopped and got off with a warning. Very nice gentleman! I honestly did not know what the speed limit was and thought I was traveling under the limit. It was one of those movie scenes that starts with "What's the problem, Officer?" Luckily it had a positive ending.
Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever thought you were obeying the law only to find out that you were wrong... and the officer knew it too? And that movie didn't end so well? Those kind of tickets are hard to deal with because we honestly did not think we were doing anything wrong. We were not aware of the law or that the law had changed. That is how it is with our man-made laws.

Another kind of law is not man-made. This is the law of the Universe. (think law of gravity.) Remember here that "law" simply means principles about how things operate. They remain the same over time no matter what the location or the people involved. We can count on them. That being said, once we learn about them, we can work with them for our favor. They are tried and true and for our well being. To not know of them is like driving in a strange place at night with no map and no head lights! No brakes! Everything out of our control.

Universal laws by and large are about energy. By now most everyone realizes that everything is energy.... trees, rocks, animals, snow, me and you. All things visible and that which is invisible. Just because we cannot see something does not mean that it is not real, or that it is not part of the energy matrix. One example would be the wind. We cannot see it but we know how powerful it can be. Thoughts cannot be seen either, but they are immensely powerful energy.

How all of this fits together is that we can know and understand the laws/concepts of how life operates - Universal Laws. We can work with these laws for our benefit. It is akin to never getting caught in the speed trap in that little town in the middle of nowhere and ending up with a hefty fine and lots of point off your license! You just smile as you drive thru!

I want to share with you a very powerful method whereby you can utilize the power of your thoughts in conjunction with the Universal Laws.

Everyone puts out energy; we can "read" the energy of those around us. (This is best done with a still and quiet mind.) The energy of some folks is just lovely and we feel so good when we are in their presence. However, there are other people whose energy it is just plain nasty to be around. A good term I have heard to describe them is "energy vampires." We feel drained when we are around them and quite literally our own energy changes if we aren't careful and don't know what to do. If you are in a good space and "for no reason" begin to feel drained and kind of powerless, chances are you got zapped by one of those vampires. Be careful of the company you keep.

Of course if you can leave the physical presence of these negative folks, you owe it to yourself to do so! However, if you don't have the luxury of that choice ( Nasty Controlling Boss and I Need My Job!) there is something you can do to protect yourself.

This energy I have been speaking of is called an aura. An "aura" could be described as an invisible human energy system. It can actually be photographed. I have the fortunate experience of knowing someone in Green Bay, WI who does aura photography. A before and after picture (of some soothing healing work done) proved beyond a doubt that this stuff is real! We are living in an awesome time when science and the ancient sages come together. Physicists and brain researchers using advanced brain imagery might use a different language but they speak of the very same things. This is not new age "junk."

When you are feeling good and positive, it shows. (And can be aura-photographed as well as detected thru brain imagery). When you have been around a negative demeaning person (whose aura/brain image could also be photographed) your aura (or energy) changes. You feel down and depleted.

Now in the same way that we put up a shelter to protect our self from the energy of strong winds, we can create a block of the energy of that negative person. You are not doing this to harm the other person; it has no impact on him or her. It is really an act of self-protection and love.

So here is how to protect yourself from the negative energy emulating from others:

Quiet your mind.
Take several deep breaths....slowly.
Realize that you breathe in what you need-
breathe out what you don't need.
Imagine ( because thoughts create!) a protective bubble surrounding you.
See the color/s of the bubble...
Get a "feel" for the protective bubble and its size...
it's shape...
Know that no negative energy can enter or get through your protective energy bubble.
Your bubble is impenetrable.
You are safe from all negative energy and can go about your daily business.
Life is good.


Until next time,
Dr. DyAnn

This is an area of life that I have studied for many years and I love to teach about it.

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