Monday, June 22, 2009

Are You Smarter Than ....Your Plants?!

Metaphysics ~ When you hear the word what comes to mind? Gurus in flowing robes? New age nonsense? Touchy-feely stuff that has no place in the real world?
In actuality meta-physics bridges quite seamlessly with hard science. One example is the field of bioenergitics which involves the study of invisible, intelligent energy - energy that actually communicates! Those who understand metaphysics realized long ago what science is "discovering" and "proving" today.

For example, plants can think. One of the first scientific studies in this realm was startling at that time. The study, published by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird revealed what was to become known fact about the hidden abilities of plant life. In this experiment one of two plants was destroyed by the researcher. Six people were then brought forward in a sort of criminal line up; among them was the person who had destroyed the plant. The surviving plant correctly identified which of the six was the guilty party. Pretty amazing, but touching only the tip of the iceberg.

This sort of experiment is one of many which now reveals that we live in a world of intelligent energy and that all life is connected. Energy may be invisible but it surrounds and lives within every plant, animal, rock, blade of grass and person. Energy is what you are sensing when you get goose bumps, whether it is because of something that is a warning of danger or of the sort that is a positive recognition that you can't cognitively identify. Either way you are sensing energy.

We continually pick up energies unconsciously and we can learn to recognize and identify them in the same way that your commonly known five senses are picking up cues from the environment. In other words, we know we pick up information through what we see and hear but we can know so much more by learning about the world of the invisible. Understanding the natural world of energy enables us to have so much more power and control over our own world. For example you can learn to notice and get ahead of negativity; you need not be impacted by other people's bad moods or motives and you can work with energy to create more positive outcomes around you.

One of the best ways I have heard our personal world of energy described is like that of a radio. We can receive many stations and we can choose what we tune in to, depending on what we pay attention to. Conversely we are each a broadcast station with our own frequency and mind set. Sanaya Roman in the Earth Life book series says it like this: The way you perceive, judge, and react to your thoughts throughout the day grounds you in your reality and is the basis upon which that reality is created.

The key notion here is in regard to our thoughts. It's like a chain reaction: we have a thought and in a flash we react to our own thought. We "create" our own mood and eventual outcomes in an ever widening rippling effect. Thoughts too are energy.

More and more information has been available lately about energy. As a species we are evolving. We see colors today that primitive man could not discern. The frontal lobe of our brains has enlarged giving us new abilities and awareness. Our greater senses are awakening and we have a choice to learn about them and how to use them. Our awareness of higher energy realms is awakening. That awakening is present in you or you would not have been drawn to read these words. I would not have been drawn to studying what I have studied. It all works together in the most amazing symphony.

You can begin now to use the power of your mind to work with energy. One of the most basic tools at your fingertips is visualization, which can transform any negative energy around you to positive energy. Just as important is the tool or state of relaxation for this is the springboard from which so much begins.

Nora and I spoke recently. Though she had no actual proof she worried that her job was in jeopardy. She said that things were going from bad to worse. I listened so as to determine whether she was putting herself into a state of anxiety or if she was reading the energy around her . Nora told me that the business was changing hands, the manager brought in new help and she sensed she was on her way out the door. She felt powerless. I advised Nora to keep doing what she had been doing which was to "fly under the radar". She needed to relax for two reasons. One was so that she did not create undue anxiety. The other was so that she could indeed sense more deeply what was going on and what she might do. We didn't need her thoughts creating fear and negative outcomes!

By her keeping a low profile and staying calm and as relaxed as possible we could buy some time to let things play out. As it turned out Nora indeed had been reading energy accurately. She found out that the manager, who Nora considered a friend, had lied about her to the new owner in order to get into his good graces. This came straight from the new owner! Isn't it interesting how this turned out? I strongly believe that the manager was living in the energy of fear. He was so gripped by it that he tried to control the outcome by making some unethical moves. I don't know yet, but I suspect that the new owner may have a skill in reading energy. He may not call it this - maybe something more like business savvy.

But clearly what occurred for Nora was that she trusted that in all likelihood she was reading the manager's energy and that it was negative. Especially toward Nora. She did not like what she was picking up from her energy field and did not want to believe it. After all they had become friends and knew one another for several years. But in her wisdom Nora trusted her instinct and inner ability to read energy rather than what was going on on the surface. (Some call it a hunch.) She took protective measures until the situation played it self out.

When we develop and trust our ability to read energy, we have coupled with tools that help us to evolve. Reading energy will enable us to protect ourselves and to tune in to that which will help us as it did in Nora's situation. I heard from her recently and she got a much deserved promotion from the new owner. The manager is gone. But I think that what makes her most happy is the realization that she trusted the Universe/God and the instinct within her (and all of us). After all is a plant can beat the odds and detect who or what is harmful, shouldn't we be able to do the same thing? Invisible intelligent energy communicates with us if we will only listen!

Until next time, enjoy listening in to all the signs of intelligent energy which present themselves to you. And remember to be kind to your plants!

Joyously Yours,

Dr. DyAnn

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