Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Scientist, Psychic, Psychologist and Scripture All Agree!

YOU can have a truly happy, healthy, marvelous life. Hold that thought, OK?

Your mind is the incredible power house in which you "make it or break it" in your life. The bottom line is that the level of success in your life (however you define it) has to do with nothing or no one else. That is really the best news anyone can get! No one can hold you back from achieving happiness.
That may seem easier said than done, but I think with some understanding of how things work, it does become much more simple and attainable to forge the life you want. You deserve to be happy and this blog centers around assisting you in attaining that goal.

In his book The Divine Matrix Gregg Braden writes: from the temple walls and tombs in the deserts of Egypt to the Gnostic wisdom of the ancient Nag Hammadi library to the traditional medicine practiced today throughout the American Southwest, the language that breathes life into the possibilities of our imagination, dreams and prayers remains with us.... its human feeling and emotion that affect the stuff our reality is made of - it's our inner language that changes the atoms, electrons, and photons of the outer's the language of emotion that speaks to the quantum forces of the universe...feeling is what the Divine Matrix recognizes.

Sylvia Browne (what a switch from Braden with his understanding of quantum physics to Browne the self-proclaimed psychic!) also speaks of these matters, in identifying that there is an "infinite, unfathomable force field (matrix) , a great uncreated mass we can't begin to understand, a core from which the love and power of God emanate.

Dr. Wayne Dyer, best-selling author of dozens of books has been speaking and writing about how we create our lives for years: recognizing the "availability of an invisible force that can be put to use in solving a problem...."

Scripture - dozens of verses in the Bible tell of our ability to co-create, work in partnership with God, or what ever term you are comfortable with. To begin with we are told that we are transformed by the renewal of our mind. There we are again, back to the mind. Our thinking. That is why Jesus said that if we think lustful thoughts we have done the same as committing the act. The power of our thoughts.

So the scientist, the psychic and the spiritual author and Jesus all are saying the same thing. There is a force and it is used to create. Our mind is how we connect with that force. And so our thoughts and our feelings in effect, create. Make sense?

I think one of the things that we forget is that the tendency toward creating is operating 24/7. We can have a goal for example, as Dennis did. His was to meet a decent woman. He can let his friends know the kind of woman he is looking for, refuse to exchange phone numbers with women he doesn't feel attracted to, and even have counseling to deal with letting go of the hurt of old relationships. But Dennis sat stuck, meeting no one. He wondered what he was doing wrong and if there was no one out there for him.

We explored Dennis's day-to-day thought process. Oh boy, that was where he was stuck. He unknowingly was creating a block to the very goal he had worked so hard on. As I have told countless people, you can have a great goal, intelligent attainable steps to reaching the goal and utilize smart tools. But if your daily thoughts run against the grain of all that, the goal will NEVER be reached. It's the little things (thoughts) that count. Our subconscious mind (and the force field of creation) hears and obeys what we think and feel.

So when Dennis sees a pretty woman go by and thinks she would never go for someone like him - yep, he has created that outcome. A friend and I were talking about the truth of cliches the other day: here's a good one - what you believe to be true is true. As far as Dennis's success: he has now met someone who seems like a good match and things are headed in the right direction. If a guy can be giddy, this guy now is because he "gets it" as to how we create with our every day thoughts and feelings.

Now if you would, go back to the first paragraph of this blog. What were YOUR thoughts when you read it? If you are having a good day, you likely agreed with what I said. If you were having a bad day, maybe not so much. So that first paragraph could serve as a good test as to how well you are using the creative power of your mind via your every day thoughts. If we believe we can't do it, we can't. If we believe we can, we can (even if we don't know how).
Our subconscious mind and the creative power of the universe obeys either way.

Blessings to you and yours~
Until next time,
Dr. DyAnn

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