Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Your Telepathic Communication

Ever wish you could do a better job in communicating with others? Maybe even that you could be telepathic and truly know what was in the other person's heart? Read on and you may discover that you already have that gift!
First I have one other thing to say ...with a cup of tea ( I am coffee'd out) and a granola bar, I sit here at my computer. I have missed writing my blog and feel a little guilty for letting it lag. My sincere apology if you have been looking for it - I really wasn't trying for a world's record of writer's block. One of the downsides of writing a blog is that I don't always know whose life I may have touched. Making the world, or my little piece of it, a better place in which to live, is a driving force in my life. So I got wrapped up in other projects. However, one of the things I know and believe in, is the importance of following those internal inklings that advise us to do this or that - go here or there. "Listen to the still, small voice within."
And so today - a calling to write. If there is even one person for whom it makes any kind of difference I am deeply blessed.
One of the things I do daily is read. I read for entertainment, for my own learning, and to feed my soul. I confess I have a love affair with words. I would like to share with you a passage from one of the books I particularly enjoy. I hope it provides inspiration, a sense of peace or guidance for you, as well as a hint about telepathy.
My copy of "A Return to Love" (Marianne Williamson) is battered and worn, with underlines in pen and pencil, my own notes in the column, and coffee stains here and there. In other words this is one of my favorites!

Here is an interesting passage in her chapter on relationships: We all have been in conversations where two people spoke and no one heard a thing. We've also had conversations where no one said anything and both people understood everything perfectly. In order to truly communicate we must take responsibility for the heart space that exists between us and another. It is that heart space, or the absence of it, which will determine whether communication is miraculous or fearful....the key to communication is not what we say, but rather the attitude that lies behind what we say. Since there is only one mind, all of us are telepathically communicating all the time. Every moment we are choosing to join or to separate, and the person to whom we are speaking feels what we have chosen regardless of our words. (p141)
In a skype session this morning I spoke with someone (I will call her Gracie) whose family participates in a lot of triangulating, back biting and gossip. If you don't attend a family event you know you will be a target of the gossip machine. But Gracie has come to a point in her counseling and enlightenment process where she no longer wants to participate in those family games.It extracts too high a price. She recently (bravely) skipped a family gathering. She was hurt and offended when someone in her family ("Jane") gave her own version/perspective at that gathering of something Gracie had said to her. And she painted a pretty nasty picture of Gracie, gossiping about her behind her back. Remember Gracie was not there to defend herself or give her version. And true to family form, that gossip later got back to her. Gracie wanted to set the record straight with Jane and let her know what she had meant when she made the comment to her.( Jane had not given any clue to Gracie that she was bothered by it; she chose rather to scathingly report it to the family - ouch).
Gracie shared with me the meaning of what she had said to Jane. Her question to me was whether or not it was wise to have a chat about it with Jane. (We discovered there was a way for Gracie to do this without Jane catching on as to who let the cat out of the bag and reported her gossiping about Gracie. Thus Gracie could avoid stirring the pot and creating more drama.) This was a troublesome issue that now had festered and caused an unspoken distance between her and Jane. Gracie no longer trusted Jane even tho Jane acted very nice "to her face". But I had one question before Gracie made her decision.
The question I asked Gracie was this: what is your intention in talking to Jane?

Our intention, you see, is what makes all the difference. Our intention is what creates the silently read fear or miracle. The joining or separation as Marianne is speaking of in the above quote. Remember on some level we all are telepathic. We do read the other person's intention- we read their heart. And they read ours.
So whether or not I would support Gracie in talking to Jane depended on the intention in her heart. The words would not matter nearly as much.
Her intention was pure. It was not to win the argument, prove she was right and Jane was wrong or to call her on her gossiping. It was simply to clear the negative energy and hurt.
In your own communication remember that often times we are so busy listening to the words that we may miss the true meaning or intention behind the words. Or we may be so busy pushing our own agenda that we are not hearing the other person, and they are not hearing us. We all have experienced these scenarios.
But if you want to truly "win" at communicating, make good the intention of what you want to say. Make it a desire to clear the negative and to make your world a little happier, more pleasant, more loving place in which to live. Because we truly are of "one Mind", on some level the other person will receive your intention. Whether they decide to honor it or not is up to them. We have no control there. But we really don't need that control - if our heart's intention is loving we have made the world- your world - a better place in which to live.
A sure way we can give our best attempt at making it a win-win communication is when we clear our own heart space of fear whether in the form of anger, jealousy, resentment of devaluing our own self. Once we have done that we win and we offer the best opportunity for the other person to win as well- the choice is up to them.
And that is just what Gracie did- her intention was simply to let Jane know that what she had said may have been in poor judgment, and that it was not meant to be mean-spirited or hurtful. Whether Jane understands it or not, Gracie has no control over. But on a higher level Jane will know that Gracie's intention is to heal, not hurt. To join rather than separate. And to create an environment of love not fear. It is only in this way that any true communicating can take place.

And remember also that it is a law of the Universe that what we put out there will eventually return to us - maybe a different day and in a different form or with a different person, but your pure intention of peace WILL come back to you.
Love and Light~
Until next time,
Dr. DyAnn

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