Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Energy Vampires

Today I would like to share with you about energy. Everything is energy. We learn that in grade school. Now we are coming to understand this idea from a level that is simple and yet multi -faceted and even profound. We are essentially composed of energy. We are energy. Therefore, if we want to be empowered it is important to pay attention to what builds our energy as well as what drains us.
Here are some ideas to assist you with your energy; at this time of year in particular we all could use a little more to work with. A good basic idea is to eliminate or reduce that which drains or depletes your energy and to add that to your life which increases your energy.
  • If it annoys you, it is actually reducing your energy. It is so helpful to finally take care of those little things that are bothering you. If they are little, they can be easily dealt with. I remember having a loose button on my winter coat for what seemed like forever. So at least twice a day, every day, I had to deal with this loose button! And of course I couldn't deal with it at the time, unless you count praying that I wouldn't lose it! It seems like such a small thing, and you know what, it was. How many "loose button" types of little annoyances do we have in life? If you are like most people, there are plenty!
  • Take a few minutes now and list the little annoyances that you are dealing with. There may be some that are unique to the season, such as not having all those addresses you need for your holiday lists all in one place. Others may be relatively new, such as a call you need to make in regard to a bill you have a question about, while yet others have been plaguing you for a long period of time, like that junk drawer/closet/basement that is just taking up valuable space.
  • Commit to taking care of the things on your list. It will take a while if your list is long, but remember, this is about giving yourself more energy in the long run. When I first did this exercise my list was easy to make as I knew instinctively, as we all do, exactly those things that were annoying me. Because we are unique, what bothers one person will not be an issue at all for another. We see this a lot with couples, but that is another issue.
  • Carve out time in your schedule to work on the items on your list. Maybe Sunday evenings for the "loose button" sorts of items, and a special alloted commitment to the larger, more time involved items like that closet that desperately needs a good cleaning.
  • Once you have reached the bottom of the list, give yourself the gift of regularly alloted time to take care of those energy drains so that they never again add up.

I promise you that taking care of these "energy vampires" will empower you in the long run. So often in our desire to improve as individuals we overlook the practical. This sort of work just seems so boring and unfulfilling. But in order to have energy for the more exciting things in our lives it is easier to go this route than some sort of extreme makeover. Besides, we don't need to be made over. We just need to learn to use our wonderful gift of energy, gift of self, more wisely.

Until next time,


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