Monday, December 29, 2008


Here we are, nearly at the end of another year. I invite you to sit down with a cup of tea or hot chocolate, and look at how you spent your days during 2008 and what changes you might want to consider making for 2009. I offer to you a list of some of the things that I have learned which help people enjoy life and feel glad to be alive.

Did you take time to give yourself credit? So often, we readily give credit to others but forget about our self. It may be something as seemingly uneventful as getting out of bed and going to work each day. Or taking care of the kids, coping with ups and downs in life, or perhaps dealing with something harsh that occurred during this year. Remember it is not always the outcome, but the intention and effort that really count.

Did you remember to be thankful? When I am having a terrible day and drag myself into bed at night, I find that if I "count my blessings" I fall asleep more easily and wake up feeling as though I have a fresh start. Don't get me wrong - sometimes it is a struggle to even get into the mood to be this gracious, but I am always glad that I do. You will find that the benefit is all yours. Make it a daily habit and I promise you will draw even more blessings into your life.

Did you allow yourself a laugh or two? Someone from back in GB sent me such a funny forward today- it make me literally laugh out loud. I will be sure to count her in my blessings tonight. So, find something on line that will tickle your funny bone... and maybe pass it along to others. I like to collect newspaper cartoons. I keep them in my desk, and every now and then I just pull one of them out. They always make me laugh.

Did you do something nice for someone else today? It doesn't need to be big! Sometimes we don't have the energy- but smiling at a store clerk, saying "God bless you" while you look into the eyes of a co-worker, friend, or stranger who sneezes, can create a startlingly wonderful momentary Soul connection! I am sure you recognize how good it makes you feel when you are on the receiving end, so don't worry about it being something big or fancy. You can be sure it will be appreciated.

Did you do something today that was interesting to you? It may be working on a stamp collection, potting a new plant, studying the starts thru a telescope, or looking up something on line. What counts is that it is interesting to YOU! It stimulates the brain, releases endorphins, and makes you feel glad to be alive.

Did you "feed your Soul"? By this I mean, did you do something today that raised your Consciousness, putting you in touch with your Higher Self, God, the Creative Energy of Love? It is the starting point for a life worth living. To neglect it puts our well being into jeopardy. The way in which to feed your Soul is as varied as each individual: time in Nature, reading Scripture, practicing meditation, reading "Chicken Soup" stories, enjoying the gift of music that lifts our Spirit. Whatever way in which it resonates in the deepest, best part of who you are, spending time in this manner is one of the most vital and profound ways for us to enrich our life.

Did you avoid or remove yourself from negative energy? There is no reason for anyone to feel as though they must spend their precious time with those who drain their energy. Realizing that there are some circumstances that cannot be entirely avoided, please take seriously this idea of "energy". Scientists are beginning to take greater strides in understanding the human energy vortex. It can even be photographed, and these photos clearly show the impact of our emotions and the impact other people and situations have on us. I just returned from a national conference that centered on this topic with the latest cutting edge medical research. Energy, both positive and negative, impacts our health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. You have a natural energy sensing system, and it is important for you to respect and honor it. With practice, you will find that you can trust it and its accuracy even more than your thinking brain. What a gift!

Until next time, love and honor who you are, be the best that you can be each day, and you will have done much to make the world a better place.
Dr. DyAnn

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