Friday, August 14, 2009

That Voice!

I feel a little sheepish about this but I have an embarrassing confession to make. It is a perfect example of how we can get off track and unwittingly create havoc in our own life. I had one of those days recently when nothing went right. You know, we've all had them. It seemed to be the culmination of a week with a number of things not going the way I wanted them to go.

When something occurs that we get off track and don't correct it, it seems just as night follows day, that we don't live our life in a genuine way. We are not being being true to our self. Our life journey. Not only do we suffer, but those in the wake of our energy (who aren't wise in handling this) also might suffer.
So how do we know we are getting "off track"? And what can we do? Those are such pivotal life questions. We can get off track for a moment, a day or sadly, even a lifetime.

We are meant to be happy and live a fulfilling life. Part of the key for doing that is to live "authentically" or in other words, living in a way that is true to our self and what makes our heart feel good. When we don't do that, and become enslaved to doing what we think we should do, we suffer. Our soul becomes wounded. We lose our way. We lose track of who we truly are and all the richness we have to contribute.

That was where I got off track, and I did not even realize it was happening. There is something insidious about how this can happen.

And so earlier that morning I had what I call a "mini meltdown." I am usually a calm and serene person, I study and live the laws of the Universe ~ since I have been doing that my life has been much easier. But like I said, I got off track. How it played out is that I have been working on a couple big projects (with due dates) and they require the use of my printer. Yep, you guessed it. I couldn't get it to work. A number of other things had been occurring that week that seemed to be contributing to making my journey difficult. I wasn't getting the hint that I was going off track for what my life is meant to be. I was going my own way, doing the shoulds even though they were getting more and more difficult.
The whole problem could have been stopped a lot sooner except that I was forgetting to trust that inner voice.... The one that said to put away the CD for installing the printer in case I ever needed it again . The one that said to play more. The one that said to get up and walk outside instead of pushing so hard at my desk. You know That Voice!

We all have one you know. Among other things it is called intuition. It also registers in our bodies at a cellular level. And our emotions are a powerful indicator of whether we are on track and living life authentically.Listening to our God given inner wisdom that knows what we need in order to have a happy and fulfilling day.Was it Shakespeare that said to thine own self be true...? Poets and great writers are another help along the way to assist us with our listening to that wisdom. Their words speak to our hearts. It all keeps us on track.

My meltdown occurred when the printer would not work no matter what wizardry means I used (OK I called a neighbor who is the true wizard). WHAM! I became so upset and frustrated that I flung a file across the room...well and I also slammed the printer against the wall. Damn thing getting in the way of my deadlines! In abject emotional pain I wondered why things were happening as they were!

Not exactly a wonderful example of how to live life....but a very human one. This true example that I share contains within it a simple and yet profound truth. I was the one who made myself miserable. I was the one who caused my own meltdown. And that is true for all of us no matter what the circumstances. It isn't your boss, your rough childhood, your illness. your relationship, or the many little details in life that cause our misery. It is what goes on in that magnificent place of true and absolute power - Our Mind!

Fortunately I know some ways to bring myself back into balance. I have shared them in this blog column. And my confession is that I failed to use them and created my own little downfall. My mini meltdown. I did not like the experience - but what a wonderful thing it turned out to be....
The printer still isn't working, one project still isn't done, a few other things have occurred in a way that I would not have chosen, but the awesome truth is that "I got it!" The experiences taught me that I had to use my mind to have a good attitude and not feel sorry for myself. The instant- and I mean INSTANT I recognized this, everything changed. I once again became calm and serene. I remembered in a deep and profound way that for all of us, we are guided, protected and loved. And a key way in which that is done is within our Mind.

Until next time ~ may you use well the magnificent mind to stay on track. It will obey whatever you tell it and create what you are thinking - good attitude or bad - in your outer world.
May the world you create be wonderful!
Dr. DyAnn

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