Friday, September 4, 2009

Creating Happiness

As I write my blog I think of you... the people I know, those who have told me that they like hearing from me this way. It is almost as though we are sitting here together. Those thoughts and feelings inspire me as I write. I write also for those who just happen to come across my page. My wish is that by reading this blog you will receive something positive which will assist you with your life journey.

What have the last few weeks been like for you? From the people I have been connected with there is such a variety of scenarios:

Sandy has wrestled in the area of relationships and has lots of people giving her advice, pulling her this way and that. I talked with her about listening to her own inner voice. Who is right/wrong and is she walking into a trap? Julie (all names have been changed for privacy) just shared with me that her summer has been a struggle to regain balance of her brain chemistry... after a doctor gave her medication that pretty much had her, as she said, "talking out of her head"!! Peter and his wife came to the agonizing decision to draw a line in the sand with an emotionally abusive family member. We discussed the backlash that will come from that and the losses Peter and his wife will likely sustain. Is it worth it? Randy was just told that he will no longer be employed come the end of October - we're talking about what he needs in order to stay "clean and sober".

Everyone has a story. Life has its ups and downs and some of the stuff of life can be pretty severe. We all have things we are trying to figure out and deal with. Once we figure the lessons out, we make our life a lot easier. We can breathe easy.

A big lesson is about releasing. When we release those things that make us sad or angry or guilty, we truly do free ourselves.

That lesson is so powerful. But it can be sooooo difficult to grasp!

Our feelings/emotions are pivotal to our well being. I think everyone pretty much knows that when we feel happy our brains release chemicals that help our body to heal and operate in the way it was intended.

On the flip side, when we feel a strong negative emotion (and fail to release it), different, equally powerful chemicals are released and there is a negative impact on our body.....and our life.

An example would be if I persist in being angry about something that has happened and then find myself suffering from a headache. I might think : " Oh great, now on top of all this stuff that is happening, which really pisses me off, I have a dang headache!" But that is not how it works! ( Thankfully!) The headache is NOT an additional negative on my pile of stuff that is happening to me. Rather, it is something that I have created!

That is how the Law of Attraction (and our mind/body) works. If I put anger (or any other emotion) out into the world, I attract more of the same back to me. If I choose to be angry because of this, that or another thing, I will pull more negativity and things that "make" me angry into my life. It can become a vicious cycle.

This is also about how the subconscious mind works. The judgments I make about the events in my life, and how I feel about them are pivotal. Vital. Remember the subconscious is the power house. But it has no ability to judge what I put into it. It will support what I think and tell it no matter what!

I think everyone wants to be happy. But if I tell myself "I will never be happy" (because of someone or something in my life), for example, my subconscious believes and carries out this "order". The subconscious is the creative part of our being. It doesn't so much hear what we want ( I want to be happy) as what we feel and believe. Thus when we let go of negative emotional reactions, thoughts and beliefs, we are free to create the life we truly desire.

This is one of the greatest and most empowering truths about life.

Until next time,
Dr. DyAnn

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