Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Signs Along the Way

Life is a series of choices. We do not need to live a life that is haphazard at best, miserable at worse. What you do today impacts what your life will be tomorrow. There are some essential things to know if you want to build a life of success.

Life is what you make it. For example, a student who does not do her homework will quite possibly find herself in a problematic situation the next day in class or certainly at test time! Someone who skips meals and doesn't get enough rest is creating a situation whereby his immune system will likely be compromised in the near future. A woman who decides to ignore her husband's abusive comments will have to endure more of the same in the future.

When we realize and truly grasp that we create our tomorrows, life becomes something that really is our own choosing. No one is the victim of fate. It is not our circumstances that determine what kind of life we will live; it is what we do with those circumstances.
There are wonderful success stories available to us in this regard. "Blind Side" is currently a popular movie based on the true story of a boy who is literally taken from the streets of poverty as a homeless youth...we fast forward and see him playing on the pro football field! Someone intervened in his life to change his circumstances, enabling him to use his raw talent. There are so many beautiful lessons in this inspiring movie.

But what if you have had no one who reached out and offered to change your circumstances? It doesn't matter. In the end you are the one who changes your own circumstances and thus your life path.
There are countless stories of people who may not be famous but nonetheless who are living their own success story. They changed their own circumstances or found the gift within them. Jamie is one such person. Born with a serious birth defect, he was coddled by his family. "Clearly" he revealed in a session, "they not only felt sorry for me but they felt ashamed of my disability. I remember they tried to hide it in family photos."
Jamie did not let his circumstances stop him. He went on to build a successful corporation which is thriving even in today's tough economy. He is one of the most dynamic people I have ever met. It takes about five minutes of sitting with him before his disability melts from view. All that is left is someone who loves life and any challenge thrown his way.

Life is what YOU make it. But just how does one make life successful? How do we know what to do?

The Universe, God, Divine Matrix (choose whatever term works for you) provides everything we need in order to have a happy, successful life. We don't have to find our way alone. Look for signs along the way that inspire you as you make your daily choices. I recently had a conversation with a client with whom I felt the need to clearly emphasize this point. "Watch for the signs. I am sure they will come to you." She E mailed me with the exciting news that not only did she get a sign but it was shockingly specific and unique. What made it even sweeter is that it came from the last person she expected it from ..... and the person from whom she needed it most. What a happy ending. The Universe wants us to be happy and successful.

Ask for help and inspiration along the way. Then don't forget to watch for the signs that your request has been answered. And last but just as important, be sure to follow thru. The Universe is not going to gives us more signs if we hold in disregard that which we have already been given.

Until next time ~
Blessings and love to you and those you love,
Dr. DyAnn

1 comment:

petsandus said...

we all need to hear these encouraging words again and again; thank you for reminding us that 'we create our tomorrows'