Monday, February 22, 2010


In India when we meet and part we often say "Namaste" which means ~ I honor the place in you where the entire Universe resides; I honor the place in you of love, of light, of truth, of peace. I honor the place within you where, if you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us.

I don't know who wrote that beautiful quote but it sits in a place of honor near my computer. It reminds me to return to "that place in me." That place of beauty and peace where disagreements and hurts seem petty ~and we can bid them to easily drift by like clouds in the sky. But how do we get to that place during those times it seems so distant and impossible to reach?
Sometimes our world flows freely ~ the parking spot is available, the relatives are all getting along, and things are just fine at work. But what about other times when it seems as though nothing is going well in life: we suffer disappointments or people let us down. Something we claimed as our own is taken away: a pet dies, a relationship diminishes or our health gives us problems. It is at these times that it is most difficult to feel as though we are "at one" with the Universe and one other.

But it is precisely at these times that we need one another and that sense of "oneness." We need to feel as though we are connected. If we are lucky those around us will reach out to us. Ah but how often in my work as a healer do I find that those who are hurting the most are wearing a smiling mask that denies any problem! All in all it is an individual challenge to find that connection.

"Treat every heart as though it were breaking." I have yet to find a truly negative response when I offer the hand of kindness to the most crotchety sort of individual. Maybe that person who is checking out your groceries has a sick child at home but has to come to work to make ends meet and keep the bill collectors at bay. I pretend that the person who cuts me off in traffic is late for an important appointment. I claim my inner peace and connection as One.
I urge you to keep your radar out. There are many people around us who need our simple offering of kindness ~ some recognition of them as a real flesh and blood person, not merely the store clerk, co-worker, neighbor or even family member. Not only are you sending them positive energy and an invitation to "Oneness" but you thus claim your own inner peace with your acts of kindness.

Certainly there will be those times when it is you who is hurting. What can you do when no one seems to notice that you are in pain? Fortunately we can connect to what we need via our own volition and internal abilities. This holds true even when we feel very small and the situation seems quite hopeless. When my husband and I relocated there were many things that did not turn out as planned. Not only did the problems seemed insurmountable but it was as if someone turned on a faucet that had troubles and heartaches freely flowing in our direction.
If we keep a deep connection to spiritual reality we know we are not alone. Somehow deep within we sense we are guided, protected and loved. We are connecting with that wonderful something out there in whatever way we best understand it: Nature, God, angels, guides, the Universal Energy of Creative Love.
Dr Joyce Whitley Hawkes was once a highly successful physicist, publishing many manuscripts and working as a research scientist. Following a near death experience she was inspired to change careers, subsequently earning a degree in pastoral ministry. In her book Cell-Level Healing she shares one way in which to make that connection of Oneness. It is called the Jabez Prayer:
Lord bless me, indeed
Before the day begins, before envisioning action,
make a conscious choice to become still.
Stay with the first line of the Jabez Prayer until your mind settles,
becoming naturally quiet.
Maintain your clear state by receiving this blessing
at the beginning of the day.
Expand my territory.
The connection to Spirit creates a natural flow of energy
that is available for service.
It shines with the true gifts of the individual.
Expanded opportunities for service will show up unexpectedly
as you pray the second powerful line of the prayer.
The words "I am willing" may be added.
Place your hand upon me.
How many times have you embarked on a worthy project
only to run out of enthusiasm before it is finished?
Pray for sustained connection and energy
in addition to inspiration.
"Place your hand upon me" can sustain you and keep you on track.
Keep me from evil that I may do no harm.
This line of the Jabez prayer can be individually interpreted.
For example, "Let me not waver from
integrity in myself, my thoughts, and my actions."
At the end (page 33) Dr. Hawkes thanks Bruce Wilkinson for writing about the prayer found in 1 Chronicles 4: 9-10. How inspiring.
May you truly feel your connectedness as One. All that is needed is your invitation.
Until next time~ blessings and love to you and those you love.
Dr. DyAnn

1 comment:

janoi307 said...

Thank you sooooo much for your post.