Monday, October 11, 2010

What is your Purpose?

Have you ever asked yourself "why am I here?" That question might be asked in frustration (!!!) or it might be a very literal wondering what your purpose is in living this lifetime, with these circumstances. I certainly know I have done both. It is much more pleasant to be asking from the second perspective ~ which is perhaps a search for personal meaning in your life. That being said, when we get more clues and understanding as to the "why" we'll find ourselves a lot less frustrated or asking "why" in that" what the bleep" frustrated way!!!
We each have a truly unique purpose which no one else can fill. It can be anything: being the best parent you can be and changing the cycle of abuse that has gone on for generations in your family ~ being the best crossing guard your local school could even dream of by maybe adding joy and humor ~being an advocate for an aging parent, even if that parent seems unappreciative ~loving a significant other (and yourself) enough to set boundaries around alcohol abuse ~ teaching forgiveness by letting go of something really nasty that was done to you or your family~speaking up when it is the right thing to do and you know it in your heart. The list is as endless as there are people in the world.

Here's the point: you don't need to try to be someone special because you already ARE somebody special! Too often we give notice and credit to someone who is famous or renowned or popular, thinking that their life is more important or they are more valuable than your own self. Nothing could be further from the truth. Think about it;
- for the person who breaks that cycle of violence could you ever count the blessings bestowed on future generations?
-for the child who sees that joyous crossing guard every morning, do you realize that may be the only person he or she really feels a connection with because there is the sense that they actually care?
-for the staff who observes you as a tender advocate with a parent who is unappreciative, do you realize what a role model you might be someone in a similar struggle?f
- in setting boundaries you may be the one and last opportunity that alcoholic has to get life back on track because you respect yourself and him/her enough to say "no more"
- by practicing forgiveness can you even imagine the impact on the person who committed the betrayal?
- or in speaking up, have you ever considered the rippling effect that goes out into the world?

These and millions of other examples give us the message that what we are doing right now may be exactly what our purpose is. Perhaps taking the time to realize that what you are doing now is vital and important is what the missing piece is!
Bless you on your journey ~ and may you realize how important it is, for we are all connected, we are all one.
Until next time~
Dr. DyAnn


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this wonderful message! It's so important for me to remember that I may be one person ~ but I do make a difference in some way (no matter how small!) I look forward to receiving more inspiration from this blog! :)

Dr DyAnn said...

Yes you do make a difference - in fact you just did by taking the time to post your comment:) The trick for ALL of us is to remember we do make a difference ALL the time. Thanks for checking in.

Anonymous said...

I love your page! You truly help to put things into perspective... which is something that I tend to forget - as I'm sure a lot of people do. Life has its ups and downs, but it's in how we deal with them that matters!

Dr DyAnn said...

What lovely feedback - thank you so much! Especially on those days when we feel small or down or even insignificant "putting it into perspective" can make all the difference in the world. It certainly has for me at times :)

Robin said...

I know I am happiest when living my purpose. When I can slow life down a bit and be who I am. That's when miracles happen.

Beautiful post.