Thursday, October 28, 2010

What Goes Up...

...must come down. We learn this the first few times we toss a ball in the air. Our science teachers taught us about the law of gravity. It is a Universal Law - no matter how many times you toss it, and whether you are in China, Peru, or the US, that ball ALWAYS comes down. It would be pretty weird if it didn't! We come to rely on Universal Laws to make sense and have predictability in life. These laws are unbreakable and unchangeable.
Did you know that there are many such Universal Laws? I am not speaking of just laws of nature but universal laws of your mind and spirit. If you know and understand them, your life will operate quite smoothly - and if not... well you are probably left scratching your head and wondering how the bleep some area of your life got so out of control!
Have you ever been stopped for speeding in a zone where you didn't know about the reduced limit? I hate it when that happens! Not fair!! I didn't see the sign. But unless you have a really nice police officer who lets you off with a warning, you will suffer the consequence of not knowing the law.
Our entire life operates that way: if we don't know about the "law" we will suffer the consequences. Conversely, if we understand and apply these laws our life can be dramatically changed.
Oh and before I go further, these universal laws or laws of consciousness are very cool! They are impartial and fair to everyone. I think of them as my guidance system for bringing greater blessings into my life and the lives of others.
Most people believe that we are here to learn lessons, as do I. However, rather than bumping along in the dark trying to figure out the lesson, let alone the answer, it is a much smoother journey if we HAVE THE RULEBOOK! It is akin to seeing the speed limit sign and being able to cruise thru the zone with the confidence that I won't get the hell scared out of me when I see flashing lights in my rear view mirror!
OK so we all know that "like begets like". Dogs have (beget) puppies, cats have kittens, Oak trees beget acorns etc. That is a universal law. Like begets like.
For us this law could be translated to say "the spirit in which I do something will (eventually) be returned to me." If I am nice to someone purely to manipulate them you better believe it, someone else will manipulate me. It may not be the same person or the same time frame or subject area, but I will be manipulated by others. What you sow you shall reap. What goes around comes around. Like begets like.
You know, these laws aren't meant to hurt us or make life difficult ~ quite the opposite! It makes the world a lot nicer place once we understand and live by universal laws. You can change your life if you understand and practice the lesson in just this one law. Here are some practical ideas to get you started.
Years ago I had a co-worker who was so sharp tongued and judgmental that I found myself avoiding her. I am a middle child peace-maker and we just didn't talk that way in our family. (The silent treatment was more our dysfunctional style of choice.) So how on earth would this make sense to me in regards to the reap/sow law? As I think about it now what "Kathy" was teaching me was not just how to sharpen my avoidance tactics. Rather she was showing me it was time to examine my own life and how I judged others.
What we see and don't like in others always has at least a bit of a reflection of something within our self. I know that can be a hard pill to swallow, but from personal experience, if you want your life to run more smoothly and be around more pleasant people and situations, look for the gem of truth in what you are experiencing. What might you have putting out there on an energy level that now is coming back to you? For example, perhaps that crabby person at work is reminding you about how you treat someone at home. Perhaps your spouse showing less interest in you is about you showing less interest- no not in them - but in yourself. Maybe those jerks out on the road are teaching you to be patient (so that you don't have the chemicals building up in your system that will some day blow an artery). The failed relationship with yet another" promising" person may be about your sowing a lack of self-respect, thereby unconsciously lowering your standards and attracting (law of attraction) someone who just is not suited for the best that you are.
So you see, these laws are not the "gonna get you" type we may be weary of, but rather a guidance system that we can count on to make our life so much easier and happier.
If you don't like what you are experiencing "out there" change what is going on "in here". That is where the real power is at anyway. Yes there will be those who we just don't see eye to eye with but once the lesson is learned, what I have found is that it (they) go away. The sharp tongued person takes a different job, the traffic is less irritating, the promising prospect really does turn out to be special.
And the really beautiful part is that now you have your own radar system. When you see a pattern starting to form in your life, check within as to what you may have been putting out there in thoughts and actions (energy) and make the changes that will lead to a happier more successful life.
Until next time~ remember we are all in this together and this law helps us to make life work so much better!
Blessings and love to you and those you love,
Dr. DyAnn


Robin said...

Along these lines, what you think about is what you draw to yourself. The more I focus on the negative, the more negativity there is in my life. The more I look for the positive, the more I get.

Admitting that a person bugs me because they have traits that bug me about myself -- that's a tough one.

Dr DyAnn said...

Great observation Robin. It takes insight and maturity to realize that the irritation about the other person is about something within our own self. When I am calm and serene (not in my denying ego state that makes the other person wrong) I can see it as an opportunity the Universe/God is giving me to do some growing. And once I "get it", like any good lesson, it is done with - the reward is that type of person/trait no longer keeps popping into my life. :)
The secret though is going into serenity to see things clearly.