Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Your "Not So Private" Thoughts.

What is the difference between a whisper and a shout...a whisper and a thought? Which is more powerful? Someone measured the distance a shout travels and determined "your voice carries barely fifty yards". Hmmmm my neighbor yelling for her kids out distances that measurement! In regard to our thoughts and how far they travel - oh my that is a whole different matter. Our thoughts travel around the world and assist in the creation of our life.
You would think that your thoughts are private, right? I have often joked with my clients "Aren't you glad you don't live in a comic strip where your thoughts are printed in a bubble above your head?!" You know, those kind of thoughts we all have such as when a friend blows you off for a second time: ("I don't even want to talk to you; you're such a @#$%!!") Or your spouse says something kind of "off": ("Do you live in a cave? You have GOT to be kidding me!") How about a boss ...("What the @##@!*. If s/he didn't have connections s/he would be soooo out of here. I can't believe I work for such a dip$$$$").
We've all had those sort of thoughts but hide behind the mask of niceness or compliance. I'm not saying that is bad - don't get me wrong. Thank God we don't live in cartoon land because thoughts based on raw emotion aren't the whole picture. They are only a part of what I call our "Internal Committee' or many ego states. We can have many, varied thoughts on one single subject. That's normal.
But those seemingly meaningless, harmless PRIVATE thoughts....they do travel further than inside your own head. They travel to your cells and turn on or off a multitude of switches that change your chemistry. Depending on the type of thoughts that can be good or bad....we can raise our own blood pressure with excessive worry or calm our self with remembering and playing back a time of personal joy and happiness. We have more control here than many of us realize.

But the really intriguing issue centers around the fact that thoughts are vibration- they travel as far and as fast as radio waves. No, people don't hear them with their ears - but still those vibrations are out there in "space". They are "heard' in some way. It has been established that thoughts create. This is where it gets to be fun and interesting. In my seminars and in some of my blogs I have talked about Dr Emoto, the highly respected Japanese scientist. He specializes and has published his research relating to water and our thoughts. Yes, regular water that is all around us and something like 70% of our body. As a quick review Dr Emoto did a fascinating study with two test tubes of water drawn from the same place. His research assistants were instructed to think positive loving thoughts around one of the tubes and in another area the same assistants thought negative, demeaning thoughts and words. Sounds kind of weird if you have never heard about the science of energy! The results were phenomenal. The water surrounded by positive thoughts grew beautiful crystal structures. The other - no, not at all. It was almost as if that water died. Think for a minute the implications in our own body, with the seemingly harmless thoughts we carry around....
Thoughts tend to become true based on the intensity of the emotion they carry and their duration. It is almost as if we hypnotize ourselves. As the old adage goes : if you believe it's true - it is true. Our repetitive thoughts bring the point home.
Not only that, but those thoughts we believe to be private? Not exactly. In a way we are all kind of "mind readers". We get a hunch about someone when we see them. And we sense danger where there is no proof there is danger- but we just know because the hair stands up on our arms. Or we have a vague feeling someone will call and sure enough the phone rings and it is them. I remember years ago when I suddenly had a really awful, restless feeling on a relaxing Saturday afternoon. The phone rang and I was told that my son had been involved in a car/bicycle accident (he was the one on the bike) and was in the hospital. Clients have told me about "knowing" things which did not make sense in a logical way. Sure enough they were right. You might even recall similar occurrences. Interesting, isn't it? How does that happen?!
Frank Laubeck in Prayer, the Mightiest Force in the World writes:
Thoughts are contagious. "What you whisper in secret," said Jesus, "shall be shouted from the rooftops." Yes even your thoughts shout though others may not know it is you who are shouting....Our thoughts are the threads weaving the garment which the world tomorrow will wear. You and I created a piece of tomorrow in our thoughts today.
What kind of garment are your thoughts weaving for your tomorrow?
We are all connected thru the web of life, thru what scientists now know is not just "empty space". The rhythm of life and the vibration of our thoughts intermingle with this web and carry their energy along its pathways. Our thoughts do very much touch the lives of others.We all know when we are in the presence of someone who loves and cares for us. We can sense it- that is built into us. The people I love dearly came to mind as I read Laubach's beautiful passage. The idea of my negative and positive thoughts eventually reaching them and weaving the world they live in inspired me to be more aware of my thoughts. After all, they really aren't private. They truly are powerful - immensely so. And I want to weave beautiful tomorrows for you.

May you be blessed and surrounded by beautiful thoughts and energy on your journey of life. May you bless yourself, those you love, and our world with your thoughts. It does not take a large percent of people to change the world, simply by the power of their thoughts. You DO make a difference. For that I am thankful!
Until next time,
Dr. DyAnn

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