Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Flip Side (Part 2)

A friend called me recently and asked my advice. Her 15 year old niece had come home from church feeling  despondent and fearful. The pastor's sermon had been about the financial upheaval, crime and natural disasters that are constantly in the news. He warned that 12/21/2012 was going to be a  fiery, nightmarish, agonizing end of the world. Being an impressionable teen, the girl was scared out of her wits and could see no hope and thus no reason to live. My friend was in a panic because her favorite niece had been suicidal in the past. I immediately asked about the girl's mother- trying to figure out what resources we could get into place. "She's scared too" "You mean about Michelle?" "No - about the end of the world." 
The year 2012 is past the half-way mark. Some people are stock piling supplies and weapons. On the other end of the wide arc of public opinion, 2012 is just another year and all this "end time' stuff means nothing. Most people land somewhere near the middle.Certainly as the calendar pages turn, tension is rising, even for those who are "pretty sure" that no world ending disaster will take place. 
At the close of my most recent blog I shared the reply of John's angel: man has created this with his mind - but there is always hope. Where might we find evidence of that hope in something that is beyond wishful thinking? Allow me to share with you from Gregg Braden's book The Isaiah Effect:
Clearly, we are entering a new era of understanding the inner sciences
of prayer, prophesy and the agents of change that Isaiah and others
acknowledged in their writings. Deceptively simple, Isaiah's prophecies
remind us of two things. First, through the science of prophesy we may
glimpse future consequences of choices made in the present.
Second, we embody the collective power to choose which future  we
experience. It is through our consideration of others in our daily lives
that we piece together the experiences that bring our futures into focus.
This is the Isaiah Effect - the expression of an ancient science stating that
we may change the outcome of our future through the choices we make 
in each moment in the present. 
So there you have it. The prophesies may seem confusing because they often tend to flip from scenes of disaster to peace and tranquility. Nostradamus, for example foresaw earthquakes and perpetual darkness. But he also saw a peaceful, happier time of spiritual renewal following it. Edgar Cayce, John in Revelation, indigenous writings including those of Native Americans, all seem to suggest two quite different possibilities which include a message of hope. That  hopeful message is revealed in both ancient writings and modern science - both essentially say the same thing. The outcome, the future is up to us and it is based on what we say, think, believe and do. It is beyond the scope of this article to go into detail, but some of my other blog entries will give you more information as to the laws of the universe and how we create, whether we realize it or not. I invite you to explore.
Basically, life is what we make it. Our future is based on what we do now. Cause and effect.  This is true on an individual as well as group level. What we think, say, believe and do speaks to the matter that makes up the Universe. We would be accurate if we described our universe as reflective. What we send out comes back to us eventually.Call it karma if you would like. But it is about more than learning life's lessons. It is about learning how life operates and how powerful we truly are.  Allow me to share an interesting example.  In modern science the placebo effect has been well documented. Some research studies about the power of our mind are so amazing that they are almost unbelievable. One of the most simple yet inspiring is a report of research which involved trying to alleviate morning sickness. 33 pregnant women in the research project were so relieved when their doctors gave them a special syrup being tested to calm their volatile contractions and vomiting. To validate its effectiveness they swallowed a small instrument which gave an internal picture of the reaction of their body.
Sweet relief for all 33 women! And the cameras showed beyond a doubt what they reported: no more discomfort- not a twitch!  However, all 33 of the test subjects had been given a well known syrup to induce vomiting.  Syrup of Ipacac is often given to poison victims.  How did it end up doing just the opposite? The power of the mind and what they believed to be true! 
It is becoming more clear that ancient prophets were trying to deliver the message that our choices, in how we think, feel, act and believe as well as our intentions create our future.We might indeed be living during a time when a lot of fear and negative occurrences and possibilities surround us. However,  we are fortunate to live in a time when realistic answers for help and healing are right at our fingertips. Perhaps science can make believers out of even the most skeptical person. It shows us the proof, as well as lifting the veils of knowledge as to how seemingly miraculous outcomes  can occur. Ancient scriptures were perhaps more poetic and sometimes confusing, but if read with this new awareness, we may all discover that we do have the power to create a new world and new, positive way of life.
Perhaps what might be more accurate of an interpretation is that it is the end of the world  as we know it....we have the individual and group choice and responsibility to create something better, more peaceful, just and loving. It starts with you~

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle 
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.....Buddha
Namaste~ see the Light in may be the one to help bring it out!

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