Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hidden Treasures

Isn't it wonderful to be uplifted by other people?
But, there are those days and sometimes even those long stretches of time that we can't count on that to occur. Though we greatly appreciate those who are loving and kind to us, we do not want to leave ourselves vulnerable to being needy. Therefore it is imperative to balance our lives so that we know how to uplift ourselves.

One of the most simple and yet profound ways that we can provide ourselves with feelings of self worth is by a technique called the "treasure box". You may have heard of it before or even have made one of your own. Start with a container as simple as a shoe box or as elaborate as what you might find in a gift store. In this box, store the memorabilia that touches your heart: that encouraging note from a friend, a Christmas card from someone who you lost touch with, an e mail forward with a verse that lifted your spirits, pictures which evoke memories of happy times recently and long ago. These are our dearest treasures. They put us back in touch with the knowing that we truly are loved and cared about. If you haven't already started a treasure box I encourage you to do it now.

There is another equally important item which the treasure box must contain. Lovingly place within its confines a special message written to you, from you. Write it as you might address a note to a special friend that you love very much, who perhaps may be hurting and feeling a bit lost and alone. This is a love letter to you. And for many of us, it may be long over due.

Whenever you need to, sift through the treasures that you gather. These contents are more valuable than silver and gold. The science behind their ability to lift your spirits is in that they evoke strong memories and feelings. The subconscious mind does not keep time. It does not know the difference between something that is occurring in the here and now versus something that is richly imagined or remembered. Seventy percent of people are visual and seeing these treasures will directly connect you to the life enhancing feelings you experienced when you first got your treasure. Feeling them with your fingertips will further evoke those memories and transfer you to that magical time.

And while you're at it, why not write something today to someone that you care about, which they can add to their own hidden treasures. You will touch them more deeply than you can know.
Dr. DyAnn

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