Monday, January 19, 2009

A Friend's Request

"I'm afraid she is going to set herself up so ends up going to jail!" Mikki and I were having a lively phone consultation about one of her favorite clients, a woman who has been horrifically abused by her ex husband. His methods were such a disgusting display of psychopathic creativity! Many of those on Mikki's burgeoning caseload have unresolved trauma. Because of my specialty work as a hypnotherapist she enjoys my insights into the power of the mind and the importance of words and concepts in the healing process.

To that end, Mikki asked if I might be willing to do some training for her and her fellow therapists. We discussed some of the basics and I started to play around with the idea.
I pulled out one of my books that specializes in trauma work and started reading more research. I also looked into some of the present requirements for doing presentations by which therapists can earn CEU's.

Although this is a worthy project I could never quite get excited about it. There seemed to one barrier after another as I worked on it. We have all had those kinds of experiences. Something starts out so simple but we discover that step two has parts A, B, and C. Then you discover that all the work you did in step one had a time requirement on it! And even Mikki's unfaltering respect for my creativity was not making the power point program any easier. I felt exasperated!

Last night I began writing Mikki an e mail to let her know that I was not going to do the project. I was concerned that she would be disappointed and I struggled with how to tell her. As I listed all the difficulties I had been having I was aware that my energy was dampened even thinking about the project. I did not want to put that kind of energy out so I knew my decision was the right one - remember that what we put out into the Universe comes back to us. It is amazing how a thoughtful review of a situation can bring clarity.

As I was writing, I shared with her that I just did not feel this was the right project for me: maybe the timing was off, maybe the focus was wrong, but in general I just could not get enthused about it. Then it came to me: "Don't Push the River". Loosely translated this means that in order to be in the loving, abundant flow of the Universe, we need to go with the flow. Life is not meant to be difficult. If there is something that is difficult and not working out, then we need to consider that perhaps it is not meant to be.

Now I am not saying that we just give up on things, not at all. But we need to be mindful that there is a wonderful guiding force in our lives. During those times that we aligned with that flow, our life is not going to be without challenges, but it will be a whole lot easier!

The combination of the roadblocks that came my way and the lack of a feeling of enthusiasm about the project let me know that something about it just isn't right. I have learned to respect this kind of internal message. When we quiet our selves we truly do get the messages we need from the Universal Creative Energy of Love. My energy now will be guided in the direction that will be most helpful to those whose lives I touch. In like manner, for the Universe operates in perfection, Nikki's clients will also be guided to exactly what they need. The principles of the Universe are that perfect.

Dr. DyAnn

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