Friday, January 30, 2009

You're So Sensitive

"You're Soooo Sensitive!" Has anyone ever said that to you? It normally is said as an accusation- kind of like having a skin rash no one wants to get near. It makes you feel bad - like there is something wrong with you because of your sensitivity. And certainly there may have been times you agreed with your accuser, wishing you didn't cry, feel so emotional or become upset so easily.

Sensitivity is not a bad thing! When it controls us, yes, we need to do something so that we don't get thrown off balance. However, I truly believe that we need more sensitivity and sensitive people in this world, not fewer.

I recently met a delightful woman - I will call her Carrie. She is energized, open to sharing ideas, and has a calm confident way about her. She has a quick, easy smile that instantly puts a person at ease and makes you want to be around her. Carrie shared with me that she beat Cancer with ease and I was not surprised. When I asked her how she did it she said it had a lot to do with her attitude. (That is one of the Truths or Laws of the Universe... attitude, or belief is 90% of what causes success or failure. That isn't a scientific number by the way, so don't quote me on it!)

Karrie shared with me that she was dealing with her last child leaving home. She is having a really difficult time with it. She is perplexed because she can not get a sense of control over her emotions. She asked me my opinion as to why she could beat something as difficult as Cancer, and yet have such a difficult time with emotions. She revealed that whenever anything was upsetting to her she lost her confidence and her emotions were all over the place.

Folks, this is how I see it. Carrie and many people like her have been accused of being overly sensitive. Often times it starts in childhood, with parents either directly or indirectly letting us know that our emotions are not OK. Some of the time it is with good intention, so that we can be "tougher" and handle the world out there. But the message none-the-less comes across that there is something not right about us.

People with a high emotional ratings often times are the most benevolent, compassionate people we know. They truly can empathize with us and almost literally put themselves in our shoes. They respond to our pain with real emotion. Sound like you? If so, then it is time to be thankful that you have this gift. Yes, I said gift. People who are "sensitives" often times pick up feelings and even information that other people are not even aware of. Call it instinct or "gut feelings" (the gut is sometimes called the second brain). But because they have not been encouraged and taught properly about their feelings, they denounce their innate ability. Some of you may be sensitives who buried that part of your self.

No doubt this gift is a double-edged sword and we must learn how to handle it correctly. Rather than trying to extinguish the flame of sensitivity, one must learn to cherish the ability and utilize it to make the world a better place. At the same time, there is a need to block out the harmful negative energy of others whose exchanges are- shall we say "insensitive" at best. This can be done in many different ways. If possible, remove yourself from the physical space of a negative person/people. If that is not possible, simply imagine that you are surrounded by God's love, light or an impenetrable invisible bubble.

There is scientific research that backs the positive outcome of this seemingly silly response. The reason it works is that the imagination is stored in the powerful subconscious part of the mind. What we imagine to be true (such as the protective bubble that will not allow the words or energy to harm us) becomes true. This is but one practical application of the laws of the Universe.

Until next time,
Dr. DyAnn

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