Friday, January 9, 2009

Real Magic

We all have had coincidences happen in life - those occurrences when it seems a little odd that something happens in a certain way or time. A coincidence is defined as chance, luck or even a twist of fate.
I had three "coincidences" occur within the last month. The first one occurred when I sent a note to a former client; we had always had a wonderful connection, and in fact I wrote about her in one of my first blogs. I was thinking of her and just wanted to let her know how proud I am of her and that she is one of my heroes. The letter was returned stamped "no longer at this address. Unable to forward." A few days later I got an e-mail from her daughter (who wasn't exactly sure of my e-mail address but tried anyway); she informed me that her mom was very saddened by a terrible loss and that she was trying to figure out how to locate me!

The second coincidence occurred when I was sending out Christmas cards this holiday season. I came across the address of an old friend that I had not communicated with for several years, so I sent her a card. Here is what she wrote back to me: I have been revisiting my spiritual path, thinking of you, and two days later I received your card. It was a dejavu moment; we have been researching various beliefs, and it seems to be a planned reconnection by you and me...."

The third occurrence involved yet another person I had been wanting to reconnect with. I tried the normal routes for finding her address and with disappointment realized that it was not meant to be. Not more than a week later I received an e mail from her, stating that she was wanting to reconnect with me. Another "out of the blue" situation. (?)

These are just small events that all of us enjoy in our life. There are others that are much more dramatic and life changing: people who "just decide" not to board a plane and it crashes. Or deciding at the last minute to go to a party just to be polite, and meeting what will end up being their future spouse. Changing seats in a vehicle and being the one spared in a deadly crash.

What is occurring here? Luck? Chance? Coincidence? In one of my favorite old books it is noted where the similar idea of "serendipity" came from, tracing it to a Persian folk tale. In the town of Serendip lived three brothers for whom everything turned out wonderfully, as if by magic. Of course it really isn't magic at all. And I believe that someday we will all come to a greater understanding of how the Universe, energy, and the power of our Minds operate.

What we focus on grows. For example, when you wake up in the morning and things start out being not so great--stop! Be very careful of your thoughts or what you mutter under your breath. If you think "Oh great! Looks like it is going to be a lousy day" you are greatly increasing the odds that this will become true. OUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND OBEYS US WITHOUT QUESTION. You see, the subconscious comprises by far the largest and most powerful part of our mind but it isn't very "smart" and it is without any logic. It is rather like our obedient servant. Thoughts that are more emotional in nature create even more powerful a response!

So perhaps the magic of those brothers in Serendip was in the realization that what we think about and focus on even unconsciously is what grows. This is one of the great Laws of the Universe. May we all use it well!

Until next time,
Dr. DyAnn

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